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A New Streamflow-Routing (SFR1) Package to Simulate Stream-Aquifer Interaction with MODFLOW-2000

By David E. Prudic, Leonard F. Konikow, and Edward R. Banta

Report availability: Portable Document Format (PDF).


Purpose and Scope
Approach to Streamflow Routing
Ordering and Numbering of Streams
Stream-Aquifer Connection
Stream Water Budgets
Computing Stream Depth
Diverting Streamflow
Stream-Lake Interconnections
Solute Transport
Assumptions and Limitations
Test Simulations
Test 1: Stream-Aquifer Interaction
Test 2: Stream-Lake Interaction with Solute Transport
Implementation of SFR1 Package with MODFLOW-2000
Integration of MODFLOW-GWT with SFR1 and LAK3 Packages
References Cited
Appendix 1: Data Input Instructions for Streamflow-Routing (SFR1) Package
Appendix 2: Selected Input Data and Printed Results for Test Simulation 1
Appendix 3: Selected Input Data and Printed Results for Test Simulation 2


  1. Diagram showing simple stream network having three segments and six reaches in a finite-difference model grid consisting of three rows and three columns
  2. Diagrams showing (A) multiple connected reaches in a model cell, (B) two parallel reaches in a model cell, and (C) only one reach connected to a single model cell even if stream is wider than the cell
  3. Diagram showing example of a segment-numbering scheme in relation to direction of flow and a finite-difference model grid
  4. Diagram illustrating an eight-point cross section used to compute depth, width, and wetted perimeter for a stream segment
  5. Diagram illustrating bisection-secant method used to determine depth of stream from Manning's equation assuming an eight-point cross section
  6. Map showing hypothetical basin-fill aquifer with model grid, land-surface contours, and stream segment and reach numbering scheme for test simulation 1
  7. Model grid showing elevation of top of consolidated rocks beneath basin-fill aquifer and distribution of hydraulic conductivity and specific yield of the basin-fill aquifer used in test simulation 1
  8. Model grid showing steady-state simulation of water-table contours, distribution of ground-water evapotranspiration, and locations of perennial-flow reaches used as initial conditions for the transient part of test simulation 1
  9. Graphs showing stream cross sections used in computing stream depth for segments 7 and 8 in test simulation 1
  10. Model grid showing simulated water-table contours, distribution of ground-water evapotranspiration, and locations of perennial-flow reaches after 50 years of pumping for test simulation 1
  11. Graphs comparing changes in stream depth, width, and flow in last reach of selected stream segments during a 50-year pumping period in test simulation 1 followed by a 50-year recovery period
  12. Graphs showing changes in streambed conductance in last reach of selected stream segments during a 50-year pumping period in test simulation 1 followed by a 50-year recovery period
  13. Diagram showing finite-difference model grid of layer 1, boundary conditions, and locations of lakes and streams used in test simulation 2
  14. Diagrams showing contours of simulated steady-state heads in (A) layer 1 and (B) layer 2 for test simulation 2
  15. Diagram showing distribution of vertical flow velocity between layers 1 and 2 for steady-state conditions in test simulation 2
  16. Graphs showing changes in simulated boron concentrations in lake 1 and at the end of stream segments 2, 3, and 4 for steady ground-water flow and transient solute transport in test simulation 2
  17. Diagrams showing simulated boron concentrations in (A) layer 1, (B) layer 3, and (C) layer 5 after 25 years of steady flow and transient solute transport in test simulation 2
  18. Generalized flow chart illustrating major components of the Streamflow-Routing (SFR1) Package in MODFLOW-2000
  19. Generalized flow chart illustrating major calculation steps in the integrated Streamflow-Routing (SFR1) and Lake (LAK3) Packages with MODFLOW-2000 and the Ground-Water Transport (GWT) Process, starting with solution of flow equation by a MODFLOW solver package


  1. Inflow rates, streambed properties, stream characteristics, and methods used for calculating stream depth and width in test simulation 1
  2. Relation of stream depth and width to streamflow used to compute stream depth and width for all reaches of stream segment 1 (ICALC = 4) in test simulation 1
  3. Computed ground-water budgets for test simulation 1
  4. Hydraulic and transport properties used in test simulation 2

Return to OFR 2004-1042 or the Abstract.

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