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Coastal Vulnerability Assessment of Cumberland Island National Seashore to
Sea-Level Rise, USGS Open-File Report 2004-1196

Figure 5. Relative Coastal Vulnerability for Cumberland Island National Seashore. The innermost color bar is the relative coastal vulnerability index (CVI). The remaining color bars are separated into the geologic variables (1-3) and physical process variables (4 - 6). The very high vulnerability shoreline is located where rates of shoreline erosion and significant wave heights are highest. The low vulnerability shoreline is located at the southern end of Cumberland Island and near Christmas Creek where shoreline accretion is common.

Figure 5. Relative Coastal Vulnerability for Cumberland Island National Seashore. Figure 5. Relative Coastal Vulnerability for Cumberland Island National Seashore. Figure 5. Relative Coastal Vulnerability for Cumberland Island National Seashore.

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