Open-File Report 2004-1225
Development and Calibration of a Two-Dimensional Hydrodynamic Model of the Tanana River near Tok, Alaska
Prepared in cooperation with the
Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities
By Jeffrey S. Conaway and Edward H. MoranABSTRACT
Bathymetric and hydraulic data were collected by the U.S. Geological Survey on the Tanana River in proximity to Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities' bridge number 505 at mile 80.5 of the Alaska Highway. Data were collected from August 7-9, 2002, over an approximate 5,000- foot reach of the river. These data were combined with topographic data provided by Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities to generate a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model.
The hydrodynamic model was calibrated with water-surface elevations, flow velocities, and flow directions collected at a discharge of 25,600 cubic feet per second. The calibrated model was then used for a simulation of the 100-year recurrence interval discharge of 51,900 cubic feet per second. The existing bridge piers were removed from the model geometry in a second simulation to model the hydraulic conditions in the channel without the piers' influence. The water-surface elevations, flow velocities, and flow directions from these simulations can be used to evaluate the influence of the piers on flow hydraulics and will assist the Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities in the design of a replacement bridge.
Purpose and Scope
Data Collection
Hydrodynamic Model
References Cited
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Report Appendixes
Appendix 1 - Coordinate and elevation file for bathymetric data collected by the USGS and topographic data collected by ADOT&PF. The horizontal control for this data is Alaska State Plane zone 2 in feet, North American Datum 1983 (NAD83), and the vertical control is based on the North American Vertical Datum of 1988 (NAVD88) and is also in feet. (1.34 MB) EXCEL Appendix 2 - Coordinates and elevations and predicted water-surface elevations, flow velocities, and horizontal components of velocity for the calibration discharge of 25,600 ft3/s. (3.6 MB) EXCEL Appendix 3 - Coordinates and elevations and predicted water-surface elevations, flow velocities, and horizontal components of velocity for the 100-year recurrence interval discharge of 51,900 ft3/s. (4.86 MB) EXCEL Appendix 4 - Coordinates and elevations and predicted water-surface elevations, flow velocities, and horizontal components of velocity for the simulation of the 100-year recurrence interval discharge of 51,900 ft3/s with the existing bridge piers removed. (4.64 MB) EXCEL Document Accessibility: Adobe Systems Incorporated has information about PDFs and the visually impaired. This information provides tools to help make PDF files accessible. These tools convert Adobe PDF documents into HTML or ASCII text, which then can be read by a number of common screen-reading programs that synthesize text as audible speech. In addition, an accessible version of Acrobat Reader 5.0 for Windows (English only), which contains support for screen readers, is available. These tools and the accessible reader may be obtained free from Adobe at Adobe Access.
For additional information contact:
Alaska Science Center, Water Resources Office
U.S. Geological Survey
4230 University Drive, Suite 201
Anchorage, AK 99508-4664
907-786-7100Please visit http://alaska.usgs.gov/ for more information about USGS activities in Alaska.
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