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Navigation Data

Seismic reflection and refraction data acquired in Canada Basin, Northwind Ridge and Northwind Basin, Arctic Ocean in 1988, 1992 and 1993.

Cruise history
Data acquisition methods
Data processing
Data tables
Navigation Data
References cited

Navigation data

GPS navigation fixes were acquired at two-minute intervals throughout each cruise. The fixes were subsequently interpolated and merged with shot times to create a single navigation file for each cruise. These navigation files can be downloaded from Table 1. These files contain shot time (year, day-of-year, and GMT), reflection line number, shot number, and latitude and longitude for every shot. Navigation data are provided only for those portions of the cruises during which seismic data were acquired. Complete survey tracklines can be found on the USGS CMG InfoBank web site. Latitude and longitude values are not included in SEG-Y trace headers for either the reflection profiles or the sonobuoy records. When using the navigation files to determine shot locations for the sonobuoy records it is important to be aware that the line number in the navigation files refers to the reflection line number. The number of the reflection line along which a particular sonobuoy record was made can be found in both the SEG-Y EBCDIC header and the trace headers of the sonobuoy record. Shotpoint maps in PDF format are available for download from figure 10.

Table 1- Navigation Files

Cruise ID ASCII shot-point file InfoBank location

P-1-88-AR 0.3 MB walrus.wr.usgs.gov/infobank/p/p188ar/seis/p-1-88-ar.410_058
P-1-92-AR 1.1 MB walrus.wr.usgs.gov/infobank/p/p192ar/seis/p-1-92-ar.420_053
P-1-93-AR 1.4 MB walrus.wr.usgs.gov/infobank/p/p193ar/seis/p-1-93-ar.421_051
Open-File Report 2004-1243 Home Page Coastal and Marine Geology Home Page

maintained by Michael Diggles
modified November 13, 2007 (pjt, mfd); last modified May 7, 2009 (mfd)

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U.S. Department of the Interior   U.S. Geological Survey   Geologic Division
Coastal & Marine Geology Program   Western Region Coastal & Marine Geology