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USGS Open-File Report 2004-1443, Operation Manual: Time-Series, Storm-Activated Suspended Sediment Sampler Deployed in the Coastal Ocean

skip index. Title Page  /  Abstract  /  Introduction  /  Software Summary  /  Getting Started  /  WTS-Tr Maintenance  /   WTS-P Maintenance  /  Conclusions   /  Bibliography   /  Tables   /  Figures   /  Appendices

Figure 2. Content of the main menu of the McLane WTS-Tr showing the menu options, the instruments diagnostic data, and the external sensor readings (transmissometer voltage displays) obtained from menu option two.

McLane Research Laboratories, USA

Water Transfer System ‑ 18

   Program PUMP V1.42


        *       MAINMENU        *


S/N  521   ‑‑   transmissometer version

<1> Set clock

<2> Display time,temperature & voltage

<3> Run pump motor

<4> Move valve

<5> Preload filters

<6> Create schedule

<7> Run schedule and deploy

<8> Offload data to a disk

<9> Display data from a disk

<X> Exit program


Computer Font    User Font

Select a number          2

Press ANY KEY to stop &start the data from scrolling.

You may elect to exit by pressing the ESC key.


0/22/0118:56:1332.2 Vb8.1 Vr12.5 C0.00 VtrValve home
0/22/0118:56:14322 Vb8.1 Vr12.5 C0.00 VtrValve home
0/22/0118:56:1532.2 Vb8.1 Vr12.9 C4.57 Vtr Valve home
0/22/0118:56:16322 Vb8.1 Vr12.9 C 4.50 VtrValve home
0/22/0118:56:1732.0 Vb8.1 Vr12.5 C4.55 VtrValve home
0/22/0118:56:18322 Vb8.2 Vr12.5 C4.55 VtrValve home
0/22/0118:56:1932.2 Vb8.1 Vr12.9 C4.56 VtrValve home
0/22/0118:56:2032.5 Vb8.1 Vr12.9 C4.55 VtrValve home
0/22/0118:56:21320 Vb8.2 Vr12.5 C0.00 VtrValve home
0/22/0118:56:2232.0 Vb8.2 Vr12.5 C0.00 VtrValve home

Select a number  3

Enter the number of events toprogram (1 to 18 MAX.) 18

Enter start date and time

Enter YEAR  (0‑99) 01

Enter MONTH (1‑12) 10

Enter DAY   (1‑31) 24

Enter HOUR  (0‑23) 8

Enter MIN   (0‑59) 00

Enter end date and time

Enter YEAR  (0‑99) 02

Enter MONTH (1‑12) 2

Enter DAY   (1‑31) 4

Enter HOUR  (0‑23) 8

Enter MIN   (0‑59) 00

Please wait for datecalculations ‑ DONE

Interval =   6 day(s)  1 hour(s)   25 minute(s)

Press ANY KEY....

‑ ‑ ‑ ‑‑ ‑ ‑ SCHEDULE ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑ ‑‑ ‑

Event    1 of 18 = 10/24/01  08:00:00

Event    2 of 18 = 10/30/01  09:25:00

Event    3 of 18 = 11/05/01  10:50:00

Event    4 of 18 = 11/11/01  12:15:00

Event    5 of 18 = 11/17/01  13:40:00

Event    6 of 18 = 11/23/01  15:05:00

Event    7 of 18 = 11/29/01  16:30:00

Event    8 of 18 = 12/05/01  17:55:00

Event    9 of 18 = 12/11/01  19:20:00

Event   10 of 18 = 12/17/01  20:45:00

Event   11 of 18 = 12/23/01  22:10:00

Event   12 of 18 = 12/29/01  23:35:00

Event   13 of 18 = 01/05/02  01:00:00

Event   14 of 18 = 01/11/02  02:25:00

Event   15 of 18 = 01/17/02  03:50:00

Event   16 of 18 = 01/23/02  05:15:00

Event   17 of 18 = 01/29/02  06:40:00

Event   18 of 18 = 02/04/02  08:05:00

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[an error occurred while processing this directive]