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USGS Open-File Report 2004-1443, Operation Manual: Time-Series, Storm-Activated Suspended Sediment Sampler Deployed in the Coastal Ocean

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Appendix 7

McLane Research Laboratories, USA

Water Transfer System Version: atwts1_3.c

         │Main Menu           │        


S/N 453   PORT == 99

Wed Feb  6 08:15:11 2002

<1> Set Time                  <5> Deploy System

<2>Diagnostics              <6> Offload Data

<3> Fill containers        <7> Adjust ducer constants

<4>Sleep                        <8>About

                        <9> EEPROM data backup cache    

Computer Font
Selection    ?
User Font

Searching for home port ... Home found

Clock reads 02/06/102 08:16:58
Change time & date (Yes/No)     [N]nbsp;    ?
Enter date & time of deployment [02/06/102 08:17:42]     ?      2/7/102 8:00:00
Enter time delay until calibration sample [hr] (0 to 24)     ?      24
Enter expected recovery date [02/06/102 08:18:17]nbsp;    ?      5/20/102 8:00:00
Enter expected number of storms (1 to 22)     ?      4
Enter number of samples per storm (1 to 5)     ?      5

> schedule .....


Event  1 of   3 = 02/08/102  08:00:00

Event  2 of   3 = 03/12/102  16:13:04

Event  3 of   3 = 04/16/102  00:06:31

Modify an event  (Yes/No)               [N] ?

 Enter PSDEV threshold that indicates a storm wave event [mbar] (>0.01)?     25

 Enter PSDEV threshold duration [minutes] (1 to 1440) ?               240

 Enter delay between storms [hrs] (0 to 240) ?              24

 Enter number of pressure readings per PSDEV calculation (30 to100) ?  50

Computer Font User Font
Enter interval between PSDEV calculations [min] (1 to 240) ?     10
Enter interval A1 [minutes] (10 to 600) ?     300
Enter interval A2 [minutes] (10 to 600) ?)     300

Enter sampling interval between maxima [minutes] (1 to 5760) ?     360
Enter time delay between maxima [minutes] (0 to 359) ?     240

Enter %% of elapsed deployment for first reduction (0 to 100) ?    50
Enter %% of elapsed deployment for second reduction (51 to 100) ?     70
Enter %% of elapsed deployment before time‑series only (71 to 100) ?     80
Enter %% of threshold reduction (1st reduction) (0 to 100) ?     20
Enter %% of threshold reduction (2nd reduction) (20 to 100) ?     30

DATEPSDEV threshold
02/06/102  08:21:45     25.00 <‑‑ start
03/30/102  08:00:00     20.00
4/19/102  17:36:00     17.50
04/29/102  22:24:00     0.00 <‑‑ Intervals only.
Computer FontUser Font
0Enter pumping flow rate [ml/min]    (50 to 125) ?           125
Enter minimum flow rate [ml/min]    (20 to 125) ?                50
Enter volume per sample [ml]  (10 to 10000) ?       3000
Enter pumping time limit [seconds]  (1 to 3610) ?         3600
Enter flushing water volume [ml]    (0 to 500)     25
Enter the sampling period for pumping flow rates [secs]  (2 to 60) ?              30

 Current Header reads ‑

 Do you want a different header (Yes/No)          [N] ?

System shows the following ‑

02/06/102  08:22:17   31.5 Vb    ‑2 EC    1031 mb   15.0 psi PORT = 00

Are you ready to deploy (Yes/No) [N] ?      y

System is ready.  Remove communication cable & deploy

skip index. Title Page  /  Abstract  /  Introduction  /  Software Summary  /  Getting Started  /  WTS-Tr Maintenance  /   WTS-P Maintenance  /  Conclusions   /  Bibliography   /  Tables   /  Figures   /  Appendices

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