This report contains information originally published in USGS Water-Supply Paper 1427, Geology and Ground Water in the Santa Rosa and Petaluma Valley areas, Sonoma County, California, by G.T. Cardwell (1958). The 304 wells selected are north of 38°18’ primarily in the Santa Rosa Valley area and are deeper than or equal to 200 feet (61 meters) in total depth. The information is exactly as given in Cardwell (1958), except for the longitude and latitude coordinates, which were not published; these were determined by digitizing the well locations shown on Plate 1 of that publication. The selected well set in this data series was compiled for use in several three-dimensional imaging investigations in progress by the U.S. Geological Survey that require a knowledge of the subsurface of the Santa Rosa Plain and associated adjacent basinal areas. The geologic data presented here are used in building three-dimensional models of velocity to evaluate the shaking hazard during earthquakes, to contribute to a model of the structural architecture of the basins and sub-basins of the area, and to assist in constructing modern hydrologic models of ground water flow. The compilation may be further used for other purposes. |
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