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U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2005-1330

Spatial Trends in Ash Yield, Sulfur, Selenium, and Other Selected Trace Element Concentrations in Coal Beds of the Appalachian Plateau Region, U.S.A.

Published 2005
Version 1.0
Online only

Sandra G. Neuzil, Frank T. Dulong, and C. Blaine Cecil


Land disturbances sometimes contribute to relative increases in deleterious substances in streams. Acid drainage in response to coal mining in certain regions of the Appalachian Plateau is one well known example. Apparent relative increases in selenium (Se) in some streams where land disturbance has occurred in the coal-producing region of the Appalachian Plateau may also be of concern. As a result of concerns regarding selenium, this report evaluates the spatial variation (both stratigraphic and regional) of selenium in coal beds in the Appalachian coal fields of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Ohio, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Virginia.


Open-File Report 2005-1330 is provided in Adobe PDF format; Appendix 1 is a separate Excel file. Right-click (PC) or control-click (Macintosh) to download the files to disk.

Open-File Report 2005-1330 [1.2-MB PDF file]
Section-508 compliant version of Open-File Report 2005-1330 [5.7-MB PDF file]
Appendix 1 [1.4-MB Excel file]

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For scientific questions or comments concerning this report, contact Sandra G. Neuzil.

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