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Open-File Report 2006–1095

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Prepared in cooperation with the Afghanistan Ministry of Mines and Industry and the U.S. Trade and Development Agency

U.S. Geological Survey and Afghanistan Ministry of Mines and Industry Cooperative Assessment of Afghanistan’s Undiscovered Oil and Gas

By Craig J. Wandrey, Gregory Ulmishek, Warren Agena, Timothy R. Klett and the Afghanistan Oil and Gas Research Assessment Team

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Results of the U.S. Geological Survey and Afghanistan Ministry of Mines and Industry cooperative assessment of undiscovered petroleum resources of northern Afghanistan were first released through this presentation on March 14, 2006, at the Afghan Embassy in Washington, D.C. On March 15 the results were presented in Kabul, Afghanistan. The purpose of the assessment and release of the results is to provide energy data required to implement the rebuilding and development of Afghanistan’s energy infrastructure. This presentation includes a summary of the goals, process, methodology, results, and accomplishments of the assessment. It provides context for Fact Sheet 2006-3031, a summary of assessment results provided in the presentations.

Version 1.0

Posted April 2006

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