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Open-File Report 2006–1120

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Magnetotelluric Data Collected Near Geophysically Logged Boreholes in the Española and Middle Rio Grande Basins, New Mexico

By Jackie M. Williams and Brian D. Rodriguez

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The Santa Fe region is growing rapidly. The Santa Fe Group aquifer in the Española Basin is the main source of municipal water for the region, and water shortfalls could have serious consequences. Future growth and land management in the region depend on accurate assessment and protection of the region’s ground-water resources. An important issue in managing the ground-water resources is a better understanding of the hydrogeology of the Tertiary Santa Fe Group. The Santa Fe Group includes the sedimentary deposits that fill the Rio Grande rift and contain the principal ground-water aquifers.

The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) is conducting a series of multidisciplinary studies of the Española Basin in northern New Mexico. Detailed geologic mapping, high-resolution airborne magnetic surveys, electromagnetic surveys, and hydrologic, lithologic, and hydro-geochemical data are being...>>MORE

Version 1.0

Posted May 2006

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