Geophysical Unit of Menlo Park, Calif.

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2006-1164
Version 1.0

In Cooperation with the Southern Nevada Water Authority (SNWA)

Audiomagnetotelluric Data from Spring, Cave, and Coyote Spring Valleys, Nevada

By Darcy K. McPhee, Bruce A. Chuchel, and Louise Pellerin


thumbnails of 2 maps
Topographic maps of study area

Audiomagnetotelluric (AMT) data along four profiles in Spring, Cave, and Coyote Spring Valleys are presented here. The AMT method is used to estimate the electrical resistivity of the earth over depth ranges of a few meters to greater than one kilometer. This method is a valuable tool for revealing subsurface structure and stratigraphy within the Basin and Range of eastern Nevada, therefore helping to define the geohydrologic framework in this region. We collected AMT data using the Geometrics StrataGem EH4 system, a four-channel, natural and controlled- source tensor system recording in the range of 10 to 92,000 Hz. To augment the low signal in the natural field, an unpolarized transmitter comprised of two horizontal-magnetic dipoles was used from 1,000 to 70,000 Hz. Profiles were 1.4 - 12.6 km in length with station spacing of 100-400 m. Data were recorded with the electrical (E) field parallel to and perpendicular to the regional geologic strike direction. Station locations and sounding curves, showing apparent resistivity, phase data, and coherency data, are presented here.

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