Georgia Water Science Center
This report is available online in pdf format (4.7 MB): USGS OFR 2006-1368 ()
Gregory S. Cherry
U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2006-1368, 64 pages (Published January 2007)
Since 1959, the U.S. Geological Survey has conducted a cooperative water resources program (CWP) with the City of Brunswick and Glynn County in the Brunswick, Georgia, area. Since the late 1950s, the salinity of ground water in the Upper Floridan aquifer near downtown Brunswick, Georgia, has been increasing, and its occurrence has been detected across an area of increasing size. Pumping of the Upper Floridan aquifer near downtown Brunswick has lowered water levels in the aquifer and resulted in an upward hydraulic gradient between the highly saline parts of the Lower Floridan aquifer and the normally fresh Upper Floridan aquifer. Saltwater likely enters the Upper Floridan aquifer through localized, vertically oriented conduits of relatively high permeability and moves laterally in response to the distribution of stresses within the aquifer.
The Brunswick–Glynn County CWP for fiscal year 2006 includes the operation and maintenance of 12 continuous water-level recorders. In addition, water-level data were collected from 52 wells and water from 70 wells was analyzed for chloride concentration during June 2005. Geophysical logs were obtained from one well to assess whether the cause of elevated chloride concentration could be due to leaky well casing. A summary of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division (GaEPD) Georgia Coastal Sound Science Initiative (CSSI) activities that directly benefit the CWP–Brunswick–Glynn County is included in this report. The GaEPD CSSI is a program of scientific and feasibility studies to support development of a final strategy to protect the Upper Floridan aquifer from saltwater contamination. These data presented in this report are needed by State and local authorities to manage water resources effectively in the coastal area of Georgia.
Purpose and Scope
Related Studies
Progress and Significant Technical Findings during Fiscal Year 2006
Ground-Water-Level and Chloride Monitoring
Geophysical Logging
Reports and Technical Presentations
Technical Presentations
Coastal Sound Science Initiative
Hydrologic Conditions
Ground-Water Pumpage
Ground-Water Levels
Chloride and Sulfate Concentration
Upper Floridan aquifer
Surficial and Brunswick Aquifer Systems
References Cited
Appendix A. Records of Geophysical Logs from Well 34G003 Collected during October 2005
Appendix B. Georgia Environmental Protection Division/MACTEC Saltwater Intrusion Monitoring Program Report
Appendix C. Hydrographs and Water-Level Statistics for Selected Wells in the City of Brunswick–Glynn County, Georgia, Area
This report is available online in pdf format (4.7 MB): USGS OFR 2006-1368 ()
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