Earthquake Hazards Program

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2007-1072
version 1.0

Comprehensive Areal Model of Earthquake-induced Landslides: Technical Specification and User Guide

By Scott B. Miles and David K. Keefer



This report describes the complete design of a comprehensive areal model of earthquakeinduced landslides (CAMEL). This report presents the design process, technical specification of CAMEL. It also provides a guide to using the CAMEL source code and template ESRI ArcGIS™ map document file for applying CAMEL, both of which can be obtained by contacting the authors. CAMEL is a regional-scale model of earthquake-induced landslide hazard developed using fuzzy logic systems. CAMEL currently estimates areal landslide concentration (number of landslides per square kilometer) of six aggregated types of earthquake-induced landslides – three types each for rock and soil.

The report is presented in four sections. The first section describes the salient aspects of fuzzy logic systems to aid understanding of the CAMEL technical specification, presenting first general concepts and then a discussion of the fuzzy systems design process. The reader is referred to Berkan and Trubatch (1997) and Mendel (2001) for an in-depth discussion of fuzzy logic theory and design guidance, which not needed for use of CAMEL. The second section discusses the knowledge on which CAMEL was designed and how this knowledge was elicited. The third section specifies the structure, elements, and functionality of the fuzzy logic system that forms CAMEL, with a complete specification given as an appendix. The final section of this report describes the current implementation of CAMEL in ESRI’s ArcGIS™ software. The section describes how to set up and use CAMEL with ESRI ArcMap™.

Download this report as a 69-page PDF file (of2007-1072.pdf; 2.43 MB).

For questions about this report, contact Scott Miles at Western Washington University or Dave Keefer at USGS.

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