Log ASCII Standard (LAS) files for geophysical wireline well logs and their application to geologic cross sections through the central Appalachian basin

PDF (704KB, 14 pages)
The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) uses geophysical wireline well logs for a variety of purposes, including stratigraphic correlation (Hettinger, 2001, Ryder, 2002), petroleum reservoir analyses (Nelson and Bird, 2005), aquifer studies (Balch, 1988), and synthetic seismic profiles (Kulander and Ryder, 2005). Commonly, well logs are easier to visualize, manipulate, and interpret when available in a digital format.
In recent geologic cross sections E–E' and D–D', constructed through the central Appalachian basin (Ryder, Swezey, and others, in press; Ryder, Crangle, and others, in press), gamma ray well log traces and lithologic logs were used to correlate key stratigraphic intervals (Fig. 1). The stratigraphy and structure of the cross sections are illustrated through the use of graphical software applications (e.g., Adobe Illustrator). The gamma ray traces were digitized in Neuralog (proprietary software) from paper well logs and converted to a Log ASCII Standard (LAS) format. Once converted, the LAS files were transformed to images through an LAS–reader application (e.g., GeoGraphix Prizm) and then overlain in positions adjacent to well locations, used for stratigraphic control, on each cross section.
This report summarizes the procedures used to convert paper logs to a digital LAS format using a third–party software application, Neuralog. Included in this report are LAS files for sixteen wells used in geologic cross section E–E' (Table 1) and thirteen wells used in geologic cross section D–D' (Table 2).
- Introduction
- History of LAS Files and Neuralog
- Procedures Used to Create LAS Files
- Results and Conclusion
- References Cited
LAS Files
All LAS files.zip (3,916KB)
Table 1 D-D' LAS files.zip (1,828KB)
Table 2 E-E'LAS files.zip (2,086KB)