Coastal and Marine Geology Program

U.S. Geological Survey
Open-File Report 2007-1216

Side-scan Sonar Imaging of the Colorado River, Grand Canyon

By Roberto Anima, Florence L. Wong, David Hogg, and Peter Galanis


photo of a rubber raft loaded with equipment floating down the gorge
A 22-ft snout rig inflatable boat was used to collect side-scan data. White plastic waterproof boxes housed all electronics. The side-scan tow fish was raised and lowered using the lifting fame at the bow of the vessel (from figure 2)


This paper presents data collection methods and side-scan sonar data collected along the Colorado River in Grand Canyon in August and September of 2000. The purpose of the data collection effort was to image the distribution of sand between Glen Canyon Dam and river mile 87.4 before and after the 31,600 cfs flow of September 6-8. The side-scan sonar imaging focused on pools between rapids but included smaller rapids where possible.

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For questions about the content of this report, contact Roberto Anima

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