Revision History for Open-File Report 2008-1163 By Anne B. Hoos, Silvia Terziotti, Gerard McMahon, Katerina Savvas, Kirsten C. Tighe, and Ruth Alkons-Wolinsky Data to Support Statistical Modeling of Instream Nutrient Load Based on Watershed Attributes, Southeastern United States, 2002 ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online July 2008 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted August 28, 2009 SAGT_ERF1_input and SAGT_accumulatedfortotalwatershed Values for the attributes hydseq, fnode, tonode, demtarea, frac, and sqkm for selected records were modified to correct for network errors in six subregions: the Mountain Creek watershed of the Little River Basin, North Carolina, the Tombigbee River mainstem (downstream from the Tennessee-Tombigbee diversion), the Santee-Cooper diversion, and the St. Johns, St. Mary’s, and Stono Rivers. Values for the attribute termflag were modified for 18 reaches. Termflag was reset from designated as a terminal reach to designated as a within-network reach for 14 reaches in the St. Johns, Suwanee, Tampa Bay, and Ochlockonee watersheds, and termflag was reset to designated as a terminal reach for four reaches along the Intracoastal Waterway. Values for the attributes WFFERT_N_2002, WFFERT_P_2002, WLVTOTAL_N_2002, WLVTOTAL_P_2002, and impsurf_sqkm_2002 were revised to more accurately represent land cover distribution during 2002. The attributes were renamed by adding the suffix 01NLCD. SAGT_monitoredload For selected sites, values for estimated detrended load and/or the reach assignment were changed, after record for certain co-located sites (representing a station name change) were combined to give longer record and thus allow for load estimation. The shapefile erf1_spar was revised and renamed to mrb2_erf1. The shapefile shed_cov was revised and renamed to mrb2_cat.