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Open-File Report 2009–1062

Developing a Vision: Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Decision Making—Proceedings of a Workshop

By Dianna Hogan, Greg Arthaud, Iris Goodman, Malka Pattison, Roger Sayre, Carl Shapiro, and Bea Van Horne


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The production, location, use, and value of ecosystem services have become an important factor in resource management. Decisions relating to resource conservation and restoration, as well as development, require an understanding of the services provided by natural systems and the response of these systems to natural and human-induced change. Increased demands for development and the resulting pressures on ecosystem services have lent urgency to the need for an improved understanding of the value of natural capital. However, resource management decisions are often made without considering the importance and value of services resulting from natural systems.

April 21, 2009

For additional information contact:
Dianna M. Hogan
Eastern Geographic Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
12201 Sunrise Valley Drive
MS 521
Reston, VA 20192

Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge.

Suggested citation:

Hogan, Dianna, Arthaud, Greg, Goodman, Iris, Pattison, Malka, Sayre, Roger, Shapiro, Carl, and Van Horne, Bea, 2009, Developing a Vision: Incorporating Ecosystem Services into Decision Making—Proceedings of a Workshop: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009–1062, 8 p.

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