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Open-File Report 2009-1166

Downsizer—A Graphical User Interface-Based Application for Browsing, Acquiring, and Formatting Time-Series Data for Hydrologic Modeling

By Christian Ward-Garrison, Steven L. Markstrom, and Lauren E. Hay

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The U.S. Geological Survey Downsizer is a computer application that selects, downloads, verifies, and formats station-based time-series data for environmental-resource models, particularly the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System. Downsizer implements the client-server software architecture. The client presents a map-based, graphical user interface that is intuitive to modelers; the server provides streamflow and climate time-series data from over 40,000 measurement stations across the United States. This report is the Downsizer user's manual and provides (1) an overview of the software design, (2) installation instructions, (3) a description of the graphical user interface, (4) a description of selected output files, and (5) troubleshooting information.

First posted September 9, 2009

The latest version of the Downsizer client is available from the USGS Downsizer web page and is distributed as a zip file.

Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge.

Suggested citation:

Ward-Garrison, C., Markstrom, S.L., and Hay, L.E., 2009, Downsizer—A graphical user interface-based application for browsing, acquiring, and formatting time-series data for hydrologic modeling: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2009-1166, 27 p.




Installation Instructions

Description of Graphical User Interface

Output Files


References Cited

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