Open-File Report 2011–1304
First posted January 9, 2012
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Ball, L.B., Smith, B.D., Minsley, B.J., Abraham, J.D., Voss, C.I., Astley, B.N., Deszcz-Pan, Maria, and Cannia, J.C., 2011, Airborne electromagnetic and magnetic geophysical survey data of the Yukon Flats and Fort Wainwright areas, central Alaska, June 2010: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2011–1304, 21 p.
Purpose and Scope
Description of Study Areas
Airborne Electromagnetic and Magnetic Survey: Methods and Measurements
Inversion of Electromagnetic Data
Model Assessment Using the Depth of Investigation (DOI) Metric
Geophysical Data Overview
References Cited
Appendix 1: Fugro Airborne, Ltd., Geophysical Report
Appendix 2: Calibration Procedure Summary
Appendix 3: Calibration Procedure Summary