Open-File Report 2012–1024–G
AbstractThis is a report about the geologic characteristics of five storage assessment units (SAUs) within the Denver Basin of Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska. These SAUs are Cretaceous in age and include (1) the Plainview and Lytle Formations, (2) the Muddy Sandstone, (3) the Greenhorn Limestone, (4) the Niobrara Formation and Codell Sandstone, and (5) the Terry and Hygiene Sandstone Members. The described characteristics, as specified in the methodology, affect the potential carbon dioxide storage resource in the SAUs. The specific geologic and petrophysical properties of interest include depth to the top of the storage formation, average thickness, net-porous thickness, porosity, permeability, groundwater quality, and the area of structural reservoir traps. Descriptions of the SAU boundaries and the overlying sealing units are also included. Assessment results are not contained in this report; however, the geologic information included here will be used to calculate a statistical Monte Carlo-based distribution of potential storage volume in the SAUs. |
First posted April 7, 2014
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Drake, R.M., II, Brennan, S.T., Covault, J.A., Blondes, M.A., Freeman, P.A., Cahan, S.M., DeVera, C.A., and Lohr, C.D., 2014, Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage resources—Denver Basin, Colorado, Wyoming, and Nebraska, chap. G of Warwick, P.D., and Corum, M.D., eds., Geologic framework for the national assessment of carbon dioxide storage resources: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012–1024–G, 17 p.,
ISSN 2331-1258 (online)
Editors’ Preface
References Cited
Hydrocarbon Exploration
Geologic History
Denver Basin Carbon Dioxide Storage Resource Assessment
Plainview and Lytle Formations SAU C50390101
Muddy Sandstone SAU C50390102
Greenhorn Limestone SAU C50390103
Niobrara Formation and Codell Sandstone Member SAU C50390104
Terry and Hygiene Sandstone Members SAU (C50390105)
References Cited