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USGS - science for a changing world

Open-File Report 2016–1168

High-Resolution Geophysical Data From the Inner Continental Shelf: South of Martha’s Vineyard and North of Nantucket, Massachusetts 

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table 1

Table 1.  Survey details for the data collected in the study areas south of Martha’s Vineyard and north of Nantucket, Massachusetts, May to June 2013.

[A U.S. Geological Survey field activity number (for example, 2013–003–FA) may also be referenced as a five-digit number (for example, 13003). kHz, kilohertz]

1Backscatter data were collected during this survey using the SEA SWATHplus and an Edgetech 4200 sidescan sonar; only the SWATHplus interferometic backscatter were processed and are being published in this report.

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