Landsat MSS FCC of Central Andes between Santialg and Mendoza

Figure 9.--Annotated Landsat MSS false-color composite image (2418-13414, bands 4, 5, and 7; 15 March 1976; Path 249, Row 83) of the Central Andes between Santiago and Mendoza from Cerro Aconcagua to Volcán San José. Landsat image is from the EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, S. Dak.The following glaciers are indicated by numbers:

1, Glaciar de las Vacas 8, Glaciar Juncal Norte
2, Glaciar Güssfeldt 9, Glaciar Juncal Sud
3, Glaciar de los Polacos 10, Glaciar Olivares Gamma
4, Glaciar Horcones Inferior 11, Glaciar Olivares Beta
5, Glaciar Alto del Río Plomo 12, Glaciar Olivares Alfa
6, Glaciar Bajo del Río Plomo 13, Glaciar Esmeralda
7, Glaciar Juncal E-2 14, Glaciar Nieves Negras Chileno
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U.S. Geological Survey, U.S.Department of the Interior
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Contact: Richard S. Williams, Jr., and Jane G. Ferrigno
Last modified 04.27.99