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Scientific Investigations Map 2973

Bathymetry and Geology of the Floor of Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana

By L.A. Morgan, W.C. Shanks, G.K. Lee, and M.W. Webring

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High-resolution, multi-beam sonar mapping of Yellowstone Lake was conducted by the U.S. Geological Survey in conjunction with the National Park Service from 1999 to 2002. Yellowstone Lake is the largest high-altitude lake in North America, at an altitude of 2,357 m with a surface area of 341 km2. More than 140 rivers and streams flow into Yellowstone Lake. The Yellowstone River, which enters at the southern end of the lake into the Southeast Arm, dominates the inflow of water and sediment (Shanks and others, 2005). The only outlet from the lake is at Fishing Bridge where the Yellowstone River flows northward discharging 375 to 4,600 cubic feet per second. The multi-beam sonar mapping occurred over a four-year period beginning in 1999 with mapping of the northern basin, continued in 2000 in West Thumb basin, in 2001 in the central basin, and in 2002 in the southern part of the lake including the Flat Mountain, South, and Southeast Arms.

Version 1.0

Posted October 2007

Suggested citation:

Suggested citation: Morgan, L.A., Shanks, W.C., Lee, G.K., and Webring, M.W., 2007, Bathymetry and geology of the floor of Yellowstone Lake, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 2973, 2 sheets.

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