Scientific Investigations Map 3132
ABSTRACTExisting hydrogeologic and geospatial data useful for the assessment of focused recharge to the carbonate-rock aquifer in the central part of Genesee County, NY, were compiled from numerous local, State, and Federal agency sources. Data sources utilized in this pilot study include available geospatial datasets from Federal and State agencies, interviews with local highway departments and the Genesee County Soil and Water Conservation District, and an initial assessment of karst features through the analysis of ortho-photographs, with minimal field verification. The compiled information is presented in a series of county-wide and quadrangle maps. The county-wide maps present generalized hydrogeologic conditions including distribution of geologic units, major faults, and karst features, and bedrock-surface and water-table configurations. Ten sets of quadrangle maps of the area that overlies the carbonate-rock aquifer present more detailed and additional information including distribution of bedrock outcrops, thin and (or) permeable soils, and karst features such as sinkholes and swallets. Water-resource managers can utilize the information summarized in this report as a guide to their assessment of focused recharge to, and the potential for surface contaminants to reach the carbonate-rock aquifer.
First posted September 14, 2010
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Reddy, J.E., and Kappel, W.M., 2010, Compilation of existing hydrogeologic and geospatial data for the assessment of focused recharge to the carbonate-rock aquifer in Genesee County, New York: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3132, 17 p., 20 sheets, at
Purpose and Scope
Limitations of this Report
Sources of Data and Methods
Hydrogeologic Information
Geographic Information System (GIS) Data
Karst Features Inventory
Bedrock and Water-Table Data Development and Surfaces Modeling
Agricultural Land and Shallow Soils Data Development
Interpretation of Derived Datasets
Description of the Unconsolidated Deposits
Description of the Soils
Description of the Carbonate Rocks
Description of the Carbonate-Rock Aquifer and Groundwater Contamination
Maps and Geologic Sections
Genesee County Maps
Geologic Sections
Topographic Quadrangle Maps
References Cited
Appendix 1. Ten quadrangle plates of Genesee County, which overlie the carbonate-rock study area