Scientific Investigations Map 3147
This report presents the potentiometric surface of the Central Oklahoma aquifer based on water-level data collected in 2009 as part of the current (2010) hydrologic study. The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) Hydrologic Investigations Atlas HA–724 by Christenson and others (1992) presents the 1986–87 potentiometric-surface map. This 1986–87 potentiometric-surface map was made as part of the USGS National Water-Quality Assessment pilot project for the Central Oklahoma aquifer that examined the geochemical and hydrogeological processes operating in the aquifer. An attempt was made to obtain water-level measurements for the 2009 potentiometric-surface map from the wells used for the 1986–87 potentiometric-surface map. Well symbols with circles on the 2009 potentiometric-surface map (fig. 1) indicate wells that were used for the 1986–87 potentiometric-surface map. |
First posted March 16, 2011
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Mashburn, S.L., and Magers, Jessica, 2011, Potentiometric surface in the Central Oklahoma (Garber-Wellington) aquifer, Oklahoma, 2009: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Map 3147, 1 sheet, scale 1:24,000.
Description of Aquifer
2009 Potentiometric Surface
Selected References