PROGRAM READ_CBC C ****************************************************************** C Modified from Arlen’s ZONEBUDGET Program for MODFLOW-96 to read C to read cell-by-cell budget files – Modified by D.P. McAda 3/04 C C The original program is documented in USGS Open-File Report 90-392, C written by Arlen W. Harbaugh C ****************************************************************** C SPECIFICATIONS: PARAMETER (NODDIM=300000,NTRDIM=12,NZDIM=25,MXCOMP=25,MXZWCZ=10) C----- NODDIM must be greater than or equal to the product of the C----- number of layers, rows, and columns in the model grid. C----- NTRDIM must be greater than or equal to the number of budget C----- terms, other than flow between zones, that will appear C----- the budget. In the original model, there is a maximum C----- of 8 terms -- constant-head, storage, wells, rivers, C----- drains, recharge, general-head boundaries, and C----- evapotranspiration. C----- NZDIM must be greater than or equal to the maximum zone C----- number. C----- MXCOMP is the maximum number of composite zones, and must be C----- less than 81. C----- MXZWCZ is the maximum number of numeric zones within each C----- composite zone. COMMON /BUFCOM/BUFF COMMON /ZONCOM/IZONE COMMON /CHCOM/ICH DIMENSION BUFF(NODDIM),IZONE(NODDIM),ICH(NODDIM), 1 VBVL(2,NTRDIM,NZDIM),VBZNFL(2,0:NZDIM,0:NZDIM) DIMENSION ICOMP(MXZWCZ,MXCOMP),NZWCZ(MXCOMP) DOUBLE PRECISION VBVL,VBZNFL DIMENSION ITIME(2,10) CHARACTER*80 TITLE CHARACTER*80 NAME CHARACTER*16 VBNM(NTRDIM),TEXT CHARACTER*1 METHOD,IANS C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C set string for use if RCS ident command NAME = &’$Id: zonebdgt.f,v 1.0 1996/12/20 13:40:08 rsregan Exp rsregan $’ NAME = &’@(#)ZONEBDGT - Program for computing subregional water budgets’ NAME = ‘@(#) for results of MODFLOW simulations’ NAME = ‘@(#)ZONEBDGT - USGS Open File Report 90-392, Harbaugh’ NAME = ‘@(#)ZONEBDGT - Contact:’ NAME = ‘@(#)ZONEBDGT - Version: 1.0x 1996/12/20’ C ------------------------------------------------------------------ C C-----DEFINE INPUT AND OUTPUT UNITS AND INITIALIZE OTHER VARIABLES INZN1=10 INZN2=11 INBUD=12 IOUT=13 K1=0 K2=0 NZONES=0 MSUM=0 C C-----TELL THE USER WHAT THIS PROGRAM IS WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,*) ‘ Modified from ZONEBUDGET version 1.00 to read’ WRITE(*,*) ‘ cell-by-cell flow data from the USGS Modular Ground-W 1ater Flow Model.’ C C-----OPEN A LISTING FILE WRITE(*,*) 3 WRITE(*,*) ‘ Enter the name of a LISTING FILE for writing budget f 1ile contents:’ READ(*,’(A)’) NAME OPEN(UNIT=IOUT,FILE=NAME,ERR=3) WRITE(IOUT,4) 4 FORMAT(1H ,’modified from ZONEBUDGET version 1.00’/ 1’ Program to read cell-by-cell flow data and format it for input t 3o other programs.’) C C-----OPEN THE CELL-BY-CELL BUDGET FILE WRITE(*,*) 10 WRITE(*,*) ‘ Enter the name of the file containing CELL-BY-CELL BU 1DGET TERMS:’ READ(*,’(A)’) NAME OPEN(UNIT=INBUD,FILE=NAME,STATUS=’OLD’,FORM=’UNFORMATTED’,ERR=10) WRITE(IOUT,*) WRITE(IOUT,*) ‘ The cell-by-cell budget file is:’ WRITE(IOUT,*) NAME C C-----READ GRID SIZE FROM BUDGET FILE AND REWIND READ(INBUD,END=2000) KSTP,KPER,TEXT,NCOL,NROW,NLAY REWIND(UNIT=INBUD) WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,14) NLAY,NROW,NCOL WRITE(IOUT,*) WRITE(IOUT,14) NLAY,NROW,NCOL 14 FORMAT(1X,I3,’ layers’,I10,’ rows’,I10,’ columns’) C C-----CHECK TO SEE IF NODIM IS LARGE ENOUGH NODES=NCOL*NROW*NLAY IF(NODES.GT.NODDIM) THEN WRITE(*,*) ‘ PROGRAM ARRAYS ARE DIMENSIONED TOO SMALL’ WRITE(*,*) ‘ PARAMETER NODDIM IS CURRENTLY’,NODDIM WRITE(*,*) ‘ CHANGE NODDIM TO BE’,NODES,’ OR GREATER’ STOP END IF C C-----READ A TITLE TO BE PRINTED IN THE LISTING WRITE(*,*) WRITE(*,*) ‘ Enter a TITLE to be printed in the listing:’ READ(*,’(A)’) TITLE WRITE(IOUT,*) WRITE(IOUT,’(1X,A)’) TITLE C c get the pumping period and timestep you want C write (*,*) ‘ Enter the pumping period you would like’ read (*,*) KPERYES write (*,*) ‘ Enter the timestep you would like’ read (*,*) KSTPYES C C-----READ BUDGET DATA AND ACCUMULATE AS LONG AS TIME REMAINS CONSTANT. C-----WHEN TIME CHANGES, PRINT THE BUDGET, REINITIALIZE, AND START OVER 100 READ(INBUD,END=1000) KSTP,KPER,TEXT,NC,NR,NL c Write timestep#, pumping period#, flow term, col,row,lay c write (iout,*) KSTP,KPER,TEXT,NC,NR,NL c c Read the budget terms c read (INBUD) (BUFF(I),I=1,NODES) c c If it’s the right pumping period, timestep, & flow across faces we want it c open (unit=21,file=’flowritf’) open (unit=22,file=’flowfntf’) open (unit=23,file=’flowlowf’) open (unit=24,file=’flowlftf’) open (unit=25,file=’flowbckf’) if (kstp .eq. kstpyes .and. kper .eq. kperyes) then c see if it is one of the flow faces if (text(1:6) .eq. ‘FLOW R’) then INFLOW=21 write (*,*) ‘right’ else if (text(1:6) .eq. ‘FLOW F’) then INFLOW=22 write (*,*) ‘front’ else if (text(1:6) .eq. ‘FLOW L’) then INFLOW=23 write (*,*) ‘lower’ else go to 100 end if c if this is what we want, let’s write it c call writit (buff,inflow,ncol,nrow,nlay) c if (text(1:6) .eq. ‘FLOW R’) then INFLOW=24 write (*,*) ‘left’ call writleft (buff,inflow,ncol,nrow,nlay) else if (text(1:6) .eq. ‘FLOW F’) then INFLOW=25 write (*,*) ‘back’ call writbck (buff,inflow,ncol,nrow,nlay) else go to 100 end if c end if go to 100 C C-----EMPTY BUDGET FILE 2000 WRITE(*,*) ‘CELL-BY-CELL FLOW TERM FILE WAS EMPTY’ STOP 1000 WRITE(*,*) ‘END OF CELL-BY-CELL FLOW TERM FILE’ STOP end C subroutine writit (buff,inflow,nc,nr,nl) dimension buff(nc,nr,nl) do 105 ir=1,nr do 105 ic=1,nc iseq=(ir-1)*nc+ic write (inflow,200) ir,ic,iseq,(buff(ic,ir,il),il=1,nl) 200 format( 2(i4,’,’),i10,’,’,5(e20.6,’,’),e20.6) 105 continue end c subroutine writleft (buff,inflow,nc,nr,nl) dimension buff(nc,nr,nl),zero(100) do 101 i=1,100 101 zero(i)=0 do 105 ir=1,nr iseq=(ir-1)*nc+1 inc=1 write (inflow,200) ir,inc,iseq,(zero(il),il=1,nl) do 105 ic=1,(nc-1) inc=ic+1 iseq=(ir-1)*nc+inc do 106 il=1,nl 106 buff(ic,ir,il)=0-buff(ic,ir,il) write (inflow,200) ir,inc,iseq,(buff(ic,ir,il),il=1,nl) 200 format( 2(i4,’,’),i10,’,’,5(e20.6,’,’),e20.6) 105 continue end c subroutine writbck (buff,inflow,nc,nr,nl) dimension buff(nc,nr,nl),zero(100) do 101 i=1,100 101 zero(i)=0 do 105 ir=0,(nr-1) ibr=ir+1 do 105 ic=1,nc iseq=(ibr-1)*nc+ic if (ibr .eq. 1) then write (inflow,200) ibr,ic,iseq,(zero(il),il=1,nl) else c Remember the flow on back face will be negitive of what is in buff do 106 il=1,nl 106 buff(ic,ir,il)=0-buff(ic,ir,il) write (inflow,200) ibr,ic,iseq,(buff(ic,ir,il),il=1,nl) end if 200 format( 2(i4,’,’),i10,’,’,5(e20.6,’,’),e20.6) 105 continue end