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Response Curves for Phosphorus Plume Lengths from Reactive-Solute-Transport Simulations of Onland Disposal of Wastewater in Noncarbonate Sand and Gravel Aquifers

By John A. Colman

Prepared in cooperation with the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection

Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5299


After publication, an error was found in this report.

The error and the correction are as follows:
page 24: Beneath figure 16, the third line of the caption reads " the extent of the 0.015 milligram per day dissolved phosphorus contour..."
It should read " the extent of the 0.015 milligram per liter dissolved phosphorus contour..."

The corrected figure caption, in its entirety, will then read:

Figure 16. Simulated dissolved phosphorus-plume length, as a function of unsaturated-zone thickness and phosphorus concentration in the discharge. Plume length (illustrated with the contours; contour interval is 250 feet) is defined by the extent of the 0.015 milligram per liter dissolved phosphorus contour after 50 years of discharge at the rate of 3 gallons per square foot per year onto a 20,000 square foot infiltration bed. Dots indicate the values of unsaturated-zone thicknesses and phosphorus concentrations of effluent used in the model runs.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this error. If you have any questions, contact the USGS MA-RI Water Science Center at 508-490-5000.


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