Version history for: Boleneus, David E., Appelgate, Larry M., Stewart, John H., and Zientek, Michael L., 2005, Stratabound copper-silver deposits of the Mesoproterozoic Revett Formation, Montana and Idaho, with a section on databases and spatial-data files for the geology and mineral deposits of the Revett Formation by Boleneus, David E., Appelgate, Larry M., Carlson, Mary H., Chase, Derrick W., and Zientek, Michael L.: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2005-5231. [available on the World Wide Web at ] Version 1.0 December 19, 2006 added three missing pages to log file (sir2005-5231_logbook.pdf): Figure A-1. Obemeyer Mountain measured section (plus an index map for Obemeyer Mtn. on the following page) Figure A-100. Niagara measured section Figure A-117. Bumblebee Road measured section April 24, 2006 Initial release online at