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Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5033 |
By Terry A. Kenney and Tim S. McKinney
Unique bridge scour mitigation designs using concrete A-Jacks were developed by the Utah Department of Transportation and installed at the Colorado River Bridge at State Road 191 and the Green River Bridge at State Road 19. The U.S. Geological Survey monitored stream reaches at these sites by collecting streambed-topography and water-velocity data from 2003 through 2005. These data were acquired annually from a moving boat with an acoustic Doppler current profiler and a differential global positioning system. Raw unordered data were processed and readied for interpolation into organized datasets with DopplerMacros, a set of computer programs. Processed streambed topography data were geostatistically interpolated by using Ordinary Kriging, and inverse distance weighting interpolation was used in the development of the two-dimensional velocity datasets. These organized datasets of topography and velocity were developed for each survey of the two bridge sites. A comparison of the riverbed topography data for each survey was done. An increase in bed elevation related to the installation of the A-Jacks scour countermeasures is evident at the Colorado River Bridge at State Road 191. The three topographic datasets acquired after the installation at the Green River Bridge at State Road 19 show few changes.
This report is contained in the following file:
SIR2006_5033.pdf (3.6 mb)
Unorganized streambed-topography datasets from 2003, 2004, and 2005 surveys of the Colorado and Green River Bridges. Datasets consist of Easting (m), Northing (m), and nonslope transformed elevation (ft).
Unorganized vertically averaged water-velocity vector datasets from 2003, 2004, and 2005 surveys of the Colorado and Green River Bridges. Datasets consist of Easting (m), Northing (m), vertically averaged east velocity vector component (ft/s), vertically averaged north velocity vector component (ft/s), and vertically averaged vertical velocity vector component (ft/s).
colorado_2003_vert_ave_vel.txtOrganized interpolated streambed-topography datasets from 2003, 2004, and 2005 surveys of the Colorado and Green River Bridges. Datasets consist of Easting (m), Northing (m), and interpolated slope transformed elevation (ft).
Organized interpolated water-velocity vector datasets from 2003, 2004, and 2005 surveys of the Colorado and Green River Bridges. Datasets consist of Easting (m), Northing (m), interpolated vertically averaged east velocity vector component (ft/s), interpolated vertically averaged north velocity vector component (ft/s), and interpolated vertically averaged vertical velocity vector component (ft/s).
The PDF file is readable with Adobe Acrobat Reader. The reader is available for free download from Adobe Systems Incorporated.
Purpose and Scope
Site Description
Fluvial Setting
Colorado River Bridge at State Road 191
Green River Bridge at State Road 19
Data Acquisition
Data Processing
Dataset Development
Streambed-Topography Dataset
Water-Velocity Dataset
Analysis of the Mitigation Efforts
References Cited
Appendix—Results of Chemical Analyses for Synoptic Samples Collected near Creede, Colorado
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