Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5188

Scientific Investigations Report 2006-5188

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Table 1. Streamflow-gaging stations in the Spokane River basin, Idaho and Washington, where streamflow and water-quality samples were collected to estimate flow-weighted concentrations and cadmium, lead, and zinc loads, water years 1991–2004.

[Gaging station locations are shown in figures 1 and 2. Type of streamflow record: C, continuous; S. simulated. Number of samples used in estimation: some samples did not include all constituents. Abbreviations: USGS, U.S. Geological Survey; ID, Idaho; WA, Washington]

Gaging station No. USGS identification No. USGS gaging station name Abbreviated gaging station name Type of streamflow record Water years for which loads were simulated Number of samples used in estimation
1 12413125 Canyon Creek above mouth at Wallace, ID Canyon Creek C 1999–2003 41–42
2 12413130 Ninemile Creek above mouth at Wallace, ID Ninemile Creek C 1999–2003 40–43
3 12413210 South Fork Coeur d’Alene River at Elizabeth Park, near Kellogg, ID Elizabeth Park C 1999–2004 27
4 12413445 Pine Creek below Amy Gulch near Pinehurst, ID Amy Gulch C 1999–2003 37–43
5 12413470 South Fork Coeur d’Alene River near Pinehurst, ID Pinehurst C 1999–2004; 1991–2004 77; 104–120
6 12413000 North Fork Coeur d’Alene River at Enaville, ID Enaville C 1999–2004; 1991–2004 69–70; 86–111
7 12413860 Coeur d’Alene River near Harrison, ID Harrison S 1999–2004; 1991–2004 45–46; 61–142
8 12417598 Spokane River at Lake Outlet at Coeur d’Alene, ID Outlet C 2003–2004 15
9 12419000 Spokane River near Post Falls, ID Post Falls C 1999–2003; 1991–2003 60–61; 78–120
10 12433000 Spokane River at Long Lake, WA Long Lake C 1999–2003 29

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