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Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5102

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5102

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Table 2. Summary of crop and irrigation types in the Granger Drain and DR2 basins, Washington, calendar years 1992, 2003, and 2004.

[Percentage data from South Yakima Conservation District 1992 (Bohn, 2001). Percentages are based on agricultural land and do not include the area of drains, right of ways, and infrastructure. –, not available]

Crop type Granger Drain basin (39,536 acres)   DR2 basin (1,359 acres)
1992   2003 1992   2003   2004
Area Percentage of
total area
Area Percentage of
total area
Area Percentage of
total area
Area Percentage of
total area
Area Percentage of
total area
Corn 5,782.7 18.95 8,805.5 22.27 248.8 18.21 473.3 34.83 577.4 42.49
Grapes (wine and juice)1 3,300.6 8.35 223.0 16.41 230.8 16.98
Pasture 4,666.1 15.29 2,824.8 7.14 157.1 11.50 177.7 13.08 153.8 11.32
Asparagus2 7,928.8 25.98 952.1 2.41 499.5 36.55 146.5 10.78 94.8 6.97
Alfalfa 4,666.1 15.29 3,377.0 8.54 157.1 11.50 28.9 2.13 42.6 3.14
Dairy/Feedlot (includes manure management) 1,311.0 4.30 1,434.2 3.63 45.7 3.35 35.6 2.62 36.0 2.65
Grass 0 0 566.3 1.43 0 0 21.9 1.61 23.2 1.71
Fallow 1,680.6 5.51 2,475.7 6.26 56.3 4.12 23.1 1.70 20.5 1.51
Peas 0 0 33.5 .08 .0 0 0 0 12.6 .93
Leaks 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 5.3 .39
Orchard1 3,709.9 12.16 11,008.1 27.84 168.8 12.36 0 0 0 0
Small grain 0 0 847.4 2.14 0 0 0 0 0 0
Hops2 576.6 1.46 0 0 0 0
Hay 0 0 503.5 1.27 0 0 16.0 1.18 0 0
Seeded 0 0 428.0 1.08 0 0 0 0 0 0
Mint2 367.7 .93 0 0 0 0
Nursery 0 0 230.3 .58 0 0 7.2 .53 0 0
Squash 0 0 182.2 .46 0 0 37.0 2.72 0 0
Dry beans 0 0 53.9 .14 0 0 0 0 0 0
Carrots 0 0 51.8 .13 0 0 0 0 0 0
Silage 0 0 23.8 .06 0 0 0 0 0 0
Onion 0 0 18.7 .05 0 0 0 0 0 0
Flowers, berries, melon 770.6 2.53 0 0 33.4 2.45 0 0 0 0
Wetland 0 0 0 0 0 0 40.7 2.99 41.1 3.02
Drains, rights of way, infrastructure (for example: houses, golf course) 1,474.4 3.73 128.2 9.43 120.9 8.89
Irrigation methods
Sprinkler 7,599.3 24.90 222.0 56.14 204.0 14.93 196.8 14.48 254.1 18.70
Rill 17,505.0 57.36 94.7 23.94 951.4 69.63 924.2 68.00 884.7 65.10
Na 0 0 33.4 8.45 0 0 188.9 13.90 189.1 13.91
None 5,411.4 17.73 28.0 7.09 211.0 15.44 48.9 3.60 31.3 2.30
Drip 0 0 17.3 4.38 0 0 0 0 0 0

1 1992 data values for orchard crop type include grapes.

2 1992 data values for asparagus crop type also include hops and mint.

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