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Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5205

Scientific Investigations Report 2007–5205

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Table 8. Estimates of mean annual ground-water inflow to basin-fill aquifers of Carson Valley using water-yield and chloride-balance methods by Maurer and Berger (2007) and simulated with watershed models of this study, Nevada and California.

[Mean annual ground-water inflow: From yield and chloride-balance methods from Maurer and Berger (2007, p. 38); represents values estimated using precipitation estimates for 1971–2000, and runoff estimates for 1990–2002. Abbreviations: –, indicates information not available.]

inflow source
Mean annual ground-water inflow
Simulated with
watershed models,
water years
Northern Carson Valley
Ground-water inflow from Eagle Valley1 1,450 1,450 1,450
Precipitation on eolian sand and gravel deposits 250 250 250
Subtotal (rounded) 1,700 1,700 1,700
Carson Range and western alluvial fans
Precipitation on alluvial fans 500 500
Ground-water inflow from watersheds
Perennial 26,200 2,400
Ephemeral 33,500 0
Infiltration of ephemeral runoff 49,400 8,000
Subtotal (rounded) 20,000 11,000 27,000
Pine Nut Mountains and eastern alluvial fans
Ground-water inflow from watersheds
Perennial 28,200 4,300
Ephemeral 35,700 0
Infiltration of ephemeral runoff 52,100 5,000
Subtotal (rounded) 16,000 9,300 11,000
Total for Carson Valley
Total (rounded) 38,000 22,000 40,000

1From Maurer and Thodal (2000, p. 33–34).

2From table 4.

3From table 5.

4From table 5, simulated mean annual ephemeral runoff, 9,900 acre-ft, less 5 percent loss to evapotranspiration, 500 acre-ft.

5From table 5, plus runoff of Buckeye and Pine Nut Creeks, less 5 percent loss to evapotranspiration.

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