USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5097
Prepared in cooperation with the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southeast
By Don A. Vroblesky, Matthew D. Petkewich, Mark A. Lowery, Kevin J. Conlon, and Larry G. Harrelson
U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5097, 70 pages (Published online, July 2008)
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The U.S. Geological Survey investigated natural and engineered remediation of chlorinated volatile organic compound (VOC) ground-water contamination at Solid Waste Management Unit 12 at the Naval Weapons Station Charleston, North Charleston, South Carolina, beginning in 2000. The primary contaminants of interest in the study are tetrachloroethene, 1,1,1-trichloroethane, trichloroethene, cis-1,2-dichloroethene, vinyl chloride, 1,1-dichloroethane, and 1,1-dichloroethene.
The permeable reactive barrier (PRB) along the main axis of the contaminant plume appears to be actively removing contamination. In contrast to the central area of the PRB, the data from the southern end of the PRB indicate that contaminants are moving around the PRB. Concentrations in wells 12MW-10S and 12MW-03S, upgradient from the PRB, showed a general decrease in VOC concentrations.
VOC concentrations in some wells in the forest showed a sharp increase, followed by a decrease. In 2007, the VOC concentrations began to increase in well 12MW-12S, downgradient from the PRB and thought to be unaffected by the PRB. The VOC-concentration changes in the forest, such as at well 12MW-12S, may represent lateral shifting of the plume in response to changes in ground-water-flow direction or may represent movement of a contamination pulse through the forest.
Purpose and Scope
Site History
Data-Collection Methods
Hydrology of the Solid Waste Management Unit 12 Area
Ground-Water Contamination
Changes in Contaminant Concentration at the Permeable Reactive Barrier
Changes in Contaminant Concentration Over Time in Areas Other Than the Permeable Reactive Barrier
References Cited
Appendix 1. Well-construction data, Solid Waste Management Unit 12, Naval Weapons Station Charleston, North Charleston, South Carolina
Appendix 2. Monthly water-level data from wells at Solid Waste Management Unit 12, Naval Weapons Station Charleston, North Charleston, South Carolina, April 1998 to November 2007
Appendix 3. Concentrations of organic compounds measured in ground water and surface water at Solid Waste Management Unit 12, Naval Weapons Station Charleston, North Charleston, South Carolina, August 2000 to November 2007
Appendix 4. Concentrations of inorganic constituents measured in ground water at Solid Waste Management Unit 12, Naval Weapons Station Charleston, North Charleston, South Carolina, August 2000 to November 2007
Appendix 5. Concentrations of organic compounds measured in ground water in temporary wells at Solid Waste Management Unit 12, Naval Weapons Station Charleston, North Charleston, South Carolina, September 17, 2007
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Suggested citation: Vroblesky, D.A., Petkewich, M.D., Lowery, M.A., Conlon, K.J., and Harrelson, L.G., 2008, Investigation of contaminated ground water at Solid Waste Management Unit 12, Naval Weapons Station Charleston, North Charleston, South Carolina, 2006–2007: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008–5097, 70 p.
For more information, please contact Don A. Vroblesky.