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Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5118

Prepared in cooperation with the Osage Tribal Council

Aquifer Tests and Characterization of Transmissivity, Ada-Vamoosa Aquifer on the Osage Reservation, Osage County, Oklahoma, 2006

By Marvin M. Abbott and Kelli DeHay


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The Ada-Vamoosa aquifer of northeastern Oklahoma is a sedimentary bedrock aquifer of Pennsylvanian age that crops out over 800 square miles of the Osage Reservation. The Osage Nation needed additional information regarding the production potential of the aquifer to aid them in future development planning. To address this need, the U.S. Geological Survey, in cooperation with the Osage Nation, conducted a study of aquifer properties in the Ada-Vamoosa aquifer. This report presents the results of the aquifer tests from 20 wells in the Ada-Vamoosa aquifer and one well in a minor aquifer east of the Ada-Vamoosa outcrop on the Osage Reservation. Well information for 17 of the 21 wells in this report was obtained from the Indian Health Service. Data collected by the U.S. Geological Survey during this investigation are pumping well data from four domestic wells collected during the summer of 2006. Transmissivity values were calculated from well pumping data or were estimated from specific capacity values depending on the reliability of the data. The estimated transmissivity values are 1.1 to 4.3 times greater than the calculated transmissivity values. The calculated and estimated transmissivity values range from 5 to 1,000 feet squared per day.

Version 1.0

Posted August 2008

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Suggested citation:

Abbott, M.M., and DeHay, Kelli, 2008, Aquifer tests and characterization of transmissivity, Ada-Vamoosa Aquifer on the Osage Reservation, Osage County, Oklahoma, 2006: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2008-5118, 10 p.




Purpose and Scope

Description of the Aquifer in the Study Area

Ground-Water Hydroogic Terms

Aquifer Data and Field Methods

Aquifer Test Analysis Methods and Results

Characterization of Transmissivity


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