Revision History for SIR 2009-5158 J. Curtis Weaver, Toby D. Feaster, and Anthony J. Gotvald Magnitude and Frequency of Rural Floods in the Southeastern United States, through 2006: Volume 2, North Carolina ----------------------------------------------------- Posted online September 15, 2009 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted December 8, 2009 In the last full paragraph on p. 6: Among the 88 basins examined, revisions to drainage areas were made for 62 basins. Change 62 basins to 60 basins The drainage areas listed in a table presented in the subsequent Estimation of Flood Magnitude and Frequency at Ungaged Sites section of this report are those used for this study, and revised drainage areas are listed for 52 of 333 sites in the table (indicated by the asterisk appearing beside the reivsed drainage areas). Change 52 of 333 sites to 50 of 333 sites Under equation 21 on p. 34: Vp,P(g)r is the variance of prediction at the gaged station derived from the applicable regional regression equations for the selected P-percent chance exceedance (from table 13, p. 96), in log units; Change (from table 13, p. 96) to (from table 9) VpP(g)s is the variance of prediciton at the gaged station from the log-Pearson Type III analysis for the selected P-percent chance exceedance (from table 9), in log units; and Change (from table 9) to (from table 13, p. 96) Table 7, p. 90: For 02102908, change drainage area from 7.58* to 7.63 Table 7, p. 94: For 03450000, change drainage area from 5.5* to 5.46 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted January 13, 2015 Table 6, p. 14: For 02116500, change 1-percent chance exceedance from 4,100 to 73,000. ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted February 20, 2015 Table 6, p. 14: For 02068500, change 1-percent chance exceedance from 1,440 to 19,100. For 02074000, change 1-percent chance exceedance from 4,140 to 31,700. For 02084160, change 1-percent chance exceedance from 1,270 to 5,430. For 02087183, change 1-percent chance exceedance from 526 to 9,260. For 02090380, change 1-percent chance exceedance from 37,600 to 18,100. For 02102192, change 1-percent chance exceedance from 55,300 to 5,400. For 02102500, change 1-percent chance exceedance from 5,400 to 56,500. For 02105500, change 1-percent chance exceedance from 9,550 to 51,800. For 02122500, change 1-percent chance exceedance from 1,460 to 74,900. Table 6, p. 15: For 03508000, change 1-percent chance exceedance from 49,000 to 19,000. For 03548500, change 1-percent chance exceedance from 14,100 to 20,800.