Scientific Investigations Report 2010–5099
![]() ABSTRACTThe City of Tallahassee began a pilot study in 1966 at the Southwest Farm sprayfield to determine whether disposal of treated municipal wastewater using center pivot irrigation techniques to uptake nitrate-nitrogen (nitrate-N) is feasible. Based on the early success of this project, a new, larger Southeast Farm sprayfield was opened in November 1980. However, a recent 2002 study indicated that nitrate-N from these operations may be moving through the Upper Floridan aquifer to Wakulla Springs, thus causing nitrate-N concentrations to increase in the spring water. The increase in nitrate-N combined with the generally clear spring water and abundant sunshine may be encouraging invasive plant species growth. Determining the link between the nitrate-N application at the sprayfields and increased nitrate-N levels is complicated because there are other sources of nitrate-N in the Wakulla Springs springshed, including atmospheric deposition, onsite sewage disposal systems, disposal of biosolids by land spreading, creeks discharging into sinks, domestic fertilizer application, and livestock wastes. Groundwater flow and fate and transport modeling were conducted to simulate the effect of all of the nitrate-N sources on Wakulla Springs from January 1, 1966, through December 31, 2018. The total simulated nitrate-N load to Wakulla Springs in 1967 was a relatively modest 69,000 kilograms per year (kg/yr). The major sources of the nitrate-N load in 1967 were determined to be: 1. Inflow to the study area across the lateral model boundaries at 31,000 kg/yr (45 percent), 1. The Southeast Farm sprayfield at 186,000 kg/yr (63 percent), The Wakulla Springs discharge can change rapidly, even during periods of little or no rainfall. This rapid change is probably the result of Wakulla Springs intermittently capturing groundwater that has been going to the Spring Creek Springs Group. This spring group is located in a marine estuary and is affected by tidally influenced saltwater intrusion. Two modeling scenarios were simulated and results are presented for 2007 and 2018 in an effort to bracket the range of possible current and future changes in the flow of Wakulla Springs. In scenario 1, it was assumed that Wakulla Springs was not capturing Spring Creek Springs Group flow. In scenario 2, it was assumed that Wakulla Springs was capturing Spring Creek Springs Group flow. Under the assumptions of scenario 1, the total simulated nitrate-N load to Wakulla Springs in 2007 was 207,200 kg/yr. The major sources of nitrate-N load were determined to be: 1. The Southeast Farm sprayfield at 111,000 kg/yr 53 percent), All of the other sources contributed 6 percent or less. Under the assumptions of scenario 2, the total simulated nitrate-N load to Wakulla Springs was 294,000 kg/yr. The major sources of nitrate-N load were determined to be: 1. The Southeast Farm sprayfield at 111,000 kg/yr (38 percent), The nitrate-N loads to Wakulla Springs from the Southeast Farm sprayfield for scenarios 1 and 2 were both 111,000 kg/yr. These amounts were the same because most of the water from the Southeast Farm sprayfield went into Wakulla Springs in both simulations. In contrast, the nitrate-N loads from onsite sewage disposal systems for scenarios 1 and 2 were 24,000 kg/yr and 56,000 kg/yr, respectively. The additional water captured by Wakulla Springs in scenario 2 came from an area that had a high density of residential and commercial sites using onsite sewage disposal systems Under the assumptions of scenario 1, the total simulated nitrate-N load to Wakulla Springs in 2018 will be 156,000 kg/yr. The major sources of nitrate-N load for scenario 1 are anticipated to be: 1. Inflow to the study area across the lateral model boundaries at 48,000 at kg/yr (31 percent), All of the other sources will contribute 5 percent or less. Under the assumptions of scenario 2, the total simulated nitrate-N load to Wakulla Springs in 2018 will be 266,000 kg/yr. The major sources of nitrate-N load for scenario 2 are anticipated to be: 1. Onsite sewage disposal systems at 80,000 kg/yr (30 percent), The simulated nitrate-N load from the Southeast Farm sprayfield to Wakulla Springs during 2007 through 2018 decreases from 111,000 kg/yr to 42,000 kg/yr in scenario 1 and decreases from 111,000 kg/yr to 43,000 kg/yr in scenario 2. Both scenarios show these decreases because of the simulated planned reduction in the concentration of nitrate-N in the wastewater used for irrigation from approximately 12 milligrams per liter (mg/L) in 2007 to 3 mg/L in 2018. In contrast, the simulated nitrate-N load from onsite sewage disposal systems to Wakulla Springs from 2007 through 2018 increases from 24,000 kg/yr to 32,000 kg/yr in scenario 1, and increases from 56,000 kg/yr to 80,000 kg/yr in scenario 2. Both scenarios show increases respective to the increases in population and residential and commercial sites using onsite sewage disposal systems. In addition, the simulated nitrate-N load to Wakulla Springs from 2007 through 2018 from inflow to the study area across the lateral model boundaries increases from 44,000 kg/yr to 48,000 kg/yr in scenario 1, and increases from 54,000 kg/yr to 57,000 kg/yr in scenario 2. Both scenarios show increases due to increasing nitrate-N levels upgradient in Leon County. |
First posted June 16, 2010 For additional information contact: Part or all of this report is presented in Portable Document Format (PDF); the latest version of Adobe Reader or similar software is required to view it. Download the latest version of Adobe Reader, free of charge. |
Davis, J.H., Katz, B.G., and Griffin, D.W., 2010, Nitrate-N movement in groundwater from the land application of treated municipal wastewater and other sources in the Wakulla Springs springshed, Leon and Wakulla Counties, Florida, 1966-2018: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2010-5099, 90 p.
Purpose and Scope
Previous Investigations
Description of the Study Area
Background and Approach
Geohydrologic Setting of the Wakulla Springs Springshed
Geologic Setting
Hydrologic Setting
Groundwater Flow
Data Collection and Field Methods
Well and Core Samples
Nitrate-N Loading and Concentrations at Land Surface from Various Sources
Southeast and Southwest Sprayfields
Atmospheric Deposition
Effluent Discharges from Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems
Disposal of Biosolids by Land Spreading
Creeks Discharging into Sinks
Fertilizer Application
Livestock Wastes
Nitrate-N and Chloride Concentrations in the Upper Floridan Aquifer and Wakulla Springs
Model Development
Groundwater Flow Model Description and Calibration
Subregional Model Geometry
Boundary Conditions
Simulated Hydraulic Conductivities
Simulated Recharge to the Upper Floridan Aquifer
Subregional Model Calibration
Simulated Effective Porosity
Fate and Transport Model and Calibration
Hydrodynamic Dispersion
Simulation of Nitrate-N and Chloride Concentrations from Various Sources
Southeast and Southwest Farm Sprayfields
Effluent Discharges from Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems, Fertilizer Application, and Livestock Wastes
Inflow at Model Boundaries
Disposal of Biosolids by Land Spreading
Creeks Discharging into Sinks and Atmospheric Deposition
Nitrate-N and Chloride Concentrations in Wakulla Springs
Simulated Future Nitrate-N Concentrations in Wakulla Springs
Simulated Nitrate-N Concentration Distribution in the Upper Floridan Aquifer at Selected Times
End of 1967
End of 1986
End of 2004
End of 2006
End of 2007
End of 2018
Simulated Nitrate-N Loading to the Upper Floridan Aquifer
Simulated Nitrate-N Loading to Wakulla Springs from All Sources
Southeast and Southwest Farm Sprayfields
Atmospheric Deposition
Effluent Discharges from Onsite Sewage Disposal Systems
Inflow at Model Boundaries
Disposal of Biosolids by Land Spreading
Creeks Discharging into Sinks
Fertilizer Application
Livestock Wastes
Model Sensitivity Analysis
Groundwater Flow Model Sensitivity Analysis
Fate and Transport Model Sensitivity Analysis
Model Limitations