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Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5168

Prepared in cooperation with the Washington State Department of Ecology

Hydrogeologic Framework of the Johns Creek Subbasin and Vicinity, Mason County, Washington

By Wendy B. Welch and Mark E. Savoca

Thumbnail of and link to report PDF (10.4 MB)Abstract

This report describes the hydrogeologic framework of the groundwater-flow system in the Johns Creek subbasin and vicinity. The study area covers 97 square miles in southeastern Mason County, Washington, and includes the Johns Creek subbasin, which drains an area of about 11 square miles. The study area extends beyond the Johns Creek subbasin to include major hydrologic features that could be used as regional groundwater-flow model boundaries. The subbasin is underlain by a thick sequence of unconsolidated Quaternary glacial and interglacial deposits, which overlie Tertiary igneous and sedimentary bedrock units. Geologic units were grouped into eight hydrogeologic units consisting of aquifers, confining units, undifferentiated deposits, and an underlying bedrock unit. A surficial hydrogeologic map was developed and used with lithologic information from 200 drillers’ logs to construct 4 hydrogeologic sections, and unit extent and thickness maps.

First posted September 27, 2011

For additional information contact:
Director, Washington Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
934 Broadway, Suite 300,
Tacoma, Washington 98402

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Suggested citation:

Welch, W.B., and Savoca, M.E., 2011, Hydrogeologic framework of the Johns Creek subbasin and vicinity, Mason County, Washington: U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2011–5168, 16 p., 1 pl.




Methods of Investigation

Hydrogeologic Framework



References Cited

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