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Scientific Investigations Report 2012–5231

Simulating Potential Structural and Operational Changes for Detroit Dam on the North Santiam River, Oregon, for Downstream Temperature Management 

Table 7. Specification and naming convention of model scenarios, Detroit Dam, North Santiam River, Oregon.

[Scenario identifier: c, cool/wet; n, normal; h, hot/dry; wod, without dam. Bold scenarios are located in appendix. Orange scenarios were run in Big Cliff and North Santiam River models]

Scenario identifier
Environmental forcings
cool/wet normal hot/dry
“w/o_dams7dADM” “existing” “base” cwod1 nwod1 hwod1
“noppmin” cwod2 nwod2 hwod2
“max” “existing” “base” c1 n1 h1
“noppmin” c2 n2 h2
“fixed_elevation” c3 n3 h3
“late_refill” c4 n4 h4
“early_dd” c5 n5 h5
“delay_dd1” c6 n6 h6
“delay_dd1_noppmin” c7 n7 h7
“delay_dd2” c8 n8 h8
“delay_dd2_noppmin” c9 n9 h9
“pp-float” “nomins” c10 n10 h10
“10ppmin” c11 n11 h11
“20ppmin” c12 n12 h12
“400fmin” c13 n13 h13
“uro-float” “400fmin” c14 n14 h14
“20ppmin” c15 n15 h15
“40ppmin” c16 n16 h16
“slider1340” “base” c17 n17 h17
“slider1340-float” “delay_dd2” c18 n18 h18
“400f” c19 n19 h19

First posted October 30, 2012

Revised June 11, 2013

For additional information contact:
Director, Oregon Water Science Center
U.S. Geological Survey
2130 SW 5th Avenue
Portland, Oregon 97201

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