Revision history for U.S. Geological Survey Scientific Investigations Report 2016-5089-B Geology and Mineral Resources of the Sheldon-Hart Mountain National Wildlife Refuge Complex (Oregon and Nevada), the Southeastern Oregon and North-Central Nevada, and the Southern Idaho and Northern Nevada (and Utah) Sagebrush Focal Areas By Peter G. Vikre, Mary Ellen Benson, Donald I. Bleiwas, Joseph P. Colgan, Pamela M. Cossette, Jacob DeAngelo, Connie L. Dicken, Ronald M. Drake II, Edward A. du Bray, Gregory L. Fernette, Jonathan M.G. Glen, Jon E. Haacke, Susan M. Hall, Albert H. Hofstra, David A. John, Stephen Ludington, Mark J. Mihalasky, James J. Rytuba, Brian N. Shaffer, Lisa L. Stillings, John C. Wallis, Colin F. Williams, Douglas B. Yager, and Lukas Zürcher ----------------------------------------------------- First posted online October 4, 2016 ----------------------------------------------------- Revised and reposted October 28, 2016: version 1.1 Revisions are: Revisions were made to the report to more fully show the use of mining claims and surface management plans in the mineral-resource assessment process as well as to correct figure caption typographical errors. Tables 10, 12, 13, 16, 18, and 19 and appendix 2 were updated to reflect the U.S. Forest Service surface management plans utilized in the assessment. Figures (and captions) to 20 and 28, were also revised in this regard. New figures 12A, 21A and 29A were added to display the active lode and placer claim information and original figures 12, 21, and 29 became figures 12B, 21 B, and 29B. Figures 4, 8, 20, 24, 25, 28, 32, and 36 were updated with the most recent data (as of March 6, 2016) from the Bureau of Land Management covering the Nevada additions. The Nevada additions boundary was removed from figures 19 and 27 for clarity and the explanations were updated. Captions for figures 9, 11, 18, 23A-H, and 26 were revised for clarity. Minor changes incorporate additional reference citations and correct typographical errors. The level of certainty for the assessment Tract INEP03 Wood Gulch was changed from H/C to H/D in the text, figure 31A, appendix 2 and the accompanying GIS data release to correct the typographical error.