Attribute VB_Name = "modPublicInterface" Option Compare Database ' declare the default string comparison method based on the sort order of the database Option Explicit ' Makes the programmer declare all variables Option Base 0 ' Explicitly sets the lower bound of arrays to zero ' ' Public interface subroutines are used throughout the application to standardize actions Sub GetFormNameTitle(lngInput As Long, strFormName As String, strFormTitle As String, strOpenArg As String) ' ' Purpose: ' To provide form titles and form names to launch the right form in context ' History: ' Version 1.0 June 21 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' Arguments: ' ' lngInput input index number ' strFormName output form name used with open command ' strFormTitle output form title to communicate with reader ' Select Case lngInput Case 0 ' Splash-screen open form strFormName = "frmOpen" strFormTitle = "SELDM Splash Screen" strOpenArg = "" Case 1 ' Analyst form strFormName = "frmAnalyst" strFormTitle = "Analyst Identification Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 2 ' Project form strFormName = "frmProject" strFormTitle = "Project Identification Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 3 ' Analysis status/copy form strFormName = "frmAnalysis" strFormTitle = "Analysis Identification Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 4 ' Highway Site input form strFormName = "frmHighwaySite" strFormTitle = "Highway Site Identification Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 5 ' GIS Grid Form strFormName = "frmGISGrid" strFormTitle = "GIS Grid Identification Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 6 ' Ecoregion Form strFormName = "frmEcoregion" strFormTitle = "Ecoregion Identification Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 7 ' Upstream Basin Form strFormName = "frmUpstreamBasin" strFormTitle = "Upstream Basin Identification Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 8 ' Lake Basin Form strFormName = "frmLakeBasin" strFormTitle = "Lake Basin Identification Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 9 ' Precipitation Statistics Selection Form strFormName = "frmPrecipSelect" strFormTitle = "Precipitation Statistics Selection Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 10 ' Precipitation site selection form strFormName = "frmPrecipGetSites" strFormTitle = "Precipitation Statistics Site Selection Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 11 ' Streamflow Statistics Selection Form strFormName = "frmStreamflowSelect" strFormTitle = "Streamflow Statistics Selection Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 12 ' Streamflow site selection form strFormName = "frmStreamflowGetSites" strFormTitle = "Streamflow Statistics Site Selection Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 13 ' Rv Statistics Selection Form strFormName = "frmRvSelect" strFormTitle = "Runoff Coefficient Statistics Selection Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 14 ' Water-quality selection menu form strFormName = "frmQWMenu" strFormTitle = "Water Quality: Constituent Selection Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 15 ' Define random water quality strFormName = "frmQWRandom" strFormTitle = "Water Quality: Random Statistics Selection Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 16 ' Define dependent/transport curve strFormName = "frmQWDependent" strFormTitle = "Water Quality: Regression Statistics Selection Form" strOpenArg = "" Case 17 ' Define Constituent Pairs strFormName = "frmQWDefinePairs" strFormTitle = "Water Quality: Define Constituent-Pairs for Downstream Analysis" strOpenArg = "" Case 20 ' Define BMP strFormName = "frmBMPDefinition" strFormTitle = "BMP: Best Management Practice Performance " strOpenArg = "" Case 21 'Run Analysis Form strFormName = "frmRunAnalysis" strFormTitle = "SELDM: Run Analysis " strOpenArg = "" End Select End Sub Public Sub CheckVariablesByLocation(lngMyOriginForm As Long, intReturnError As Integer) ' ' Purpose: ' To check common variable assignment based on the location in the input structure ' If a variable is not assigned return to the necessary form ' History: ' Version 1.0 Oct 31 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' lngMyOriginForm As Long ' Origin form index number ' intReturnError As Integer ' Return error to close origin form Dim lngOriginForm As Long ' Destination form index number lngOriginForm = lngMyOriginForm intReturnError = 0 ' Ensure that we are in the right place in the sequence of input events If lMyAnalystID <= 0 Then MsgBox "The user must select/define an Analyst", vbCritical, "Please set current Analyst" lWhereAmI = 1 intReturnError = 1 Exit Sub End If If lWhereAmI < 3 Then Exit Sub If lMyProject <= 0 Then MsgBox "The user must select/define a project", vbCritical, "Please set current Project" lWhereAmI = 2 intReturnError = 1 Exit Sub End If If lWhereAmI < 4 Then Exit Sub If lMyAnalysis <= 0 Then MsgBox "The user must select/define an analysis", vbCritical, "Please set current Analysis" lWhereAmI = 3 intReturnError = 1 Exit Sub End If If lWhereAmI < 5 Then Exit Sub If lMyHighway <= 0 Then MsgBox "The user must select/define a highway site", vbCritical, "Please set current Highway Site" lWhereAmI = 4 intReturnError = 1 Exit Sub End If If dMyLatVal = 0# And dMyLongVal = 0# Then MsgBox "The user must select/define a highway site", vbCritical, "Please set current Highway Site" lWhereAmI = 4 intReturnError = 1 Exit Sub End If If lWhereAmI < 6 Then Exit Sub If lMyGISGridCell = 0 Then MsgBox "The user must select/define the GIS Grid coordinates first", vbCritical, "Please set current grid" lWhereAmI = 5 intReturnError = 1 Exit Sub End If If lWhereAmI < 7 Then Exit Sub If lMyEcoregionID = 0 Then MsgBox "The user must select/define the Ecoregion", vbCritical, "Please set current Ecoregion" lWhereAmI = 6 intReturnError = 1 Exit Sub End If If lWhereAmI < 8 Then Exit Sub If lMyUpstreamBasin = 0 Then MsgBox "The user must select/define the Upstream Basin", vbCritical, "Please set current Upstream Basin" lWhereAmI = 7 intReturnError = 1 Exit Sub End If If lWhereAmI < 11 Then Exit Sub If lMyPrecipStat = 0 Then MsgBox "The user must select/define the Precipitation Statistics", vbCritical, "Please set current Precipitation Statistics" lWhereAmI = 10 intReturnError = 1 Exit Sub End If If lWhereAmI < 13 Then Exit Sub If lMyStreamflowStat = 0 Then MsgBox "The user must select/define the Streamflow Statistics", vbCritical, "Please set current Streamflow Statistics" lWhereAmI = 11 intReturnError = 1 Exit Sub End If If lWhereAmI < 14 Then Exit Sub If lMyStreamflowStat = 0 Then MsgBox "The user must select/define the Runoff Coefficients", vbCritical, "Please set current Runoff Coefficients" lWhereAmI = 13 intReturnError = 1 Exit Sub End If End Sub Public Sub CloseMyForm(lngMyOriginForm As Long, lngMyDestinationForm As Long, lngMyDirection As Long) ' ' Purpose: ' To close the form and return to a previous form ' History: ' Version 1.0 June 20 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' lngMyOriginForm As Long ' Origin form index number ' lngMyDestinationform As Long ' Destination form index number ' lngMyDirection As Long ' Direction (0) backward, (1) forward, or move without prompt (-1) ' (see modPublicInterface.GetFormNameTitle) ' Dim intMsgBox As Integer ' Message box return value Dim strMsgBox As String ' Message String Dim strMsgTitle As String ' Message box prompt Dim strDestinationName As String ' Destination form name Dim strDestinationTitle As String ' Destination form title Dim strOriginName As String ' Origin form name Dim strOriginTitle As String ' Origin form title Dim strOpenArg As String ' Destination form opening argument On Error GoTo Err_CloseMyForm ' Get origin information Call modPublicInterface.GetFormNameTitle(lngMyOriginForm, strOriginName, strOriginTitle, strOpenArg) ' Get destination information from the Call modPublicInterface.GetFormNameTitle(lngMyDestinationForm, strDestinationName, strDestinationTitle, strOpenArg) ' Make sure the user really wants to quit the interface If lngMyDirection = 0 Then ' Move backward strMsgTitle = "Close this form and return to the previous form?" strMsgBox = "This command button will close the " & vbCrLf & _ strOriginTitle & vbCrLf & _ "and go back to the " & vbCrLf & _ strDestinationTitle & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Do you want close the current form now?" ElseIf lngMyDirection = 1 Then 'Move forward strMsgTitle = "Close this form and move to the next form?" strMsgBox = "This command button will close the " & vbCrLf & _ strOriginTitle & vbCrLf & _ "and proceed to the " & vbCrLf & _ strDestinationTitle & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Do you want close the current form now?" End If If lngMyDirection >= 0 Then 'Prompt user intMsgBox = MsgBox(strMsgBox, vbYesNo, strMsgTitle) If intMsgBox <> 6 Then ' if not "Yes" exit sub keep origin open Exit Sub End If End If ' Close origin form open destination form DoCmd.Hourglass True ' set hourglass DoCmd.Close acForm, strOriginName ' Open next form DoCmd.OpenForm strDestinationName, , , , , , strOpenArg Exit_CloseMyForm: Exit Sub Err_CloseMyForm: MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical, "Close My Form" Resume Exit_CloseMyForm End Sub Public Sub CheckAnalysisProgress(lngInputAnalysisNumber As Long, intOutputLocation As Integer, _ Optional strOutput As String) ' ' Purpose: ' To check the progress of the current analysis ' History: ' Version 1.0 June 27 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' Variables: ' lngInputAnalysisNumber As Long input number for selected analysis ' intOutputLocation As Integer ' input number 1: goto progress form 2: Copy routine ' stroutput As String--output to indicate status optional only used if return string is needed ' ' Arguments Dim bavg As Boolean ' does average exist Dim bSD As Boolean ' does SD exist Dim bSkew As Boolean ' does Skew exist Dim bTestQW As Boolean ' does a QW definition exist Dim rstMyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim strSQL As String ' Query text Dim strLinkCriteria As String ' Link criteria to control form-load events Dim strAnalysisName As String Dim strMsgBox As String ' MessageBox string Dim intOutErr As Integer On Error GoTo Status_Err: intOutErr = 0 strLinkCriteria = "Status:0000000000000" ' Status:ABCDEFGHIJKLM Set rstMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "SELECT tblHighwayAnalysis.HighwayAnalysis_ID, tblHighwayAnalysis.tAnalysisShortName, " & _ "tblHighwayAnalysis.HighwaySite_ID, tblHighwayAnalysis.dHighwayRvAverage, " & _ "tblHighwayAnalysis.dHighwayRvStandardDeviation, tblHighwayAnalysis.dHighwayRvSkew, " & _ "tblHighwayAnalysis.Ecoregion_ID, tblHighwayAnalysis.PrecipEventStatistics_ID, " & _ "tblHighwayAnalysis.UpstreamBasin_ID, tblHighwayAnalysis.dUpstreamRvAverage, " & _ "tblHighwayAnalysis.dUpstreamRvStandardDeviation, tblHighwayAnalysis.dUpstreamRvSkew, " & _ "tblHighwayAnalysis.StreamflowSelection_ID, tblHighwayAnalysis.bLakeBasinAnalysis, " & _ "tblHighwayAnalysis.LakeDrainageBasin_ID, tblHighwayAnalysis.BMP_ID, " & _ "tblHighwayAnalysis.mAnalysisAbstract " & _ "FROM tblHighwayAnalysis " & _ "WHERE (((tblHighwayAnalysis.HighwayAnalysis_ID)=" & lngInputAnalysisNumber & "));" 'Populate Recordset rstMyRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly If IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) Then ' There is no data for this list assign value of 1 strMsgBox = "Note: The analysis table has no data for the selected project. " & vbCrLf & _ "Please enter a new analysis." MsgBox strMsgBox, vbOKOnly, "Error" GoTo CleanUp: End If ' Get values strAnalysisName = rstMyRecordset.Fields(1).Value ' A: Highway-site definition ' ***************** If (IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(2).Value)) Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 8, 1) = "0" ElseIf rstMyRecordset.Fields(2).Value = "" Or rstMyRecordset.Fields(2).Value = 0 Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 8, 1) = "0" Else Mid(strLinkCriteria, 8, 1) = "1" End If ' B: Highway-site Rv ' ***************** ' Average If (IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(3).Value)) Then bavg = False 'Boolean does average exist ElseIf rstMyRecordset.Fields(3).Value = "" Then bavg = False 'Boolean does average exist Else bavg = True 'Boolean does average exist End If ' standard deviation If (IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(4).Value)) Then bSD = False 'Boolean does SD exist ElseIf rstMyRecordset.Fields(4).Value = "" Then bSD = False 'Boolean does SD exist Else bSD = True 'Boolean does SD exist End If ' skew If (IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(5).Value)) Then bSkew = False 'Boolean does SD exist ElseIf rstMyRecordset.Fields(5).Value = "" Then bSkew = False 'Boolean does SD exist Else bSkew = True 'Boolean does SD exist End If If (bavg = True) And (bSD = True) And (bSkew = True) Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 9, 1) = "1" Else Mid(strLinkCriteria, 9, 1) = "0" End If ' C: Highway-site QW ' ***************** bTestQW = bCheckQWfn(lngInputAnalysisNumber, 0) If bTestQW = True Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 10, 1) = "1" Else Mid(strLinkCriteria, 10, 1) = "0" End If ' D: Highway-site BMP ' ***************** If (IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(15).Value)) Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 11, 1) = "0" ElseIf rstMyRecordset.Fields(15).Value = "" Or rstMyRecordset.Fields(12).Value = 0 Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 11, 1) = "0" Else Mid(strLinkCriteria, 11, 1) = "1" End If ' E: Ecoregion ' ***************** If (IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(6).Value)) Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 12, 1) = "0" ElseIf rstMyRecordset.Fields(6).Value = "" Or rstMyRecordset.Fields(6).Value = 0 Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 12, 1) = "0" Else Mid(strLinkCriteria, 12, 1) = "1" End If ' F: Precipitation ' ***************** If (IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(7).Value)) Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 13, 1) = "0" ElseIf rstMyRecordset.Fields(7).Value = "" Or rstMyRecordset.Fields(7).Value = 0 Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 13, 1) = "0" Else Mid(strLinkCriteria, 13, 1) = "1" End If ' G: Upstream basin definition ' ***************** If (IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(8).Value)) Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 14, 1) = "0" ElseIf rstMyRecordset.Fields(8).Value = "" Or rstMyRecordset.Fields(8).Value = 0 Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 14, 1) = "0" Else Mid(strLinkCriteria, 14, 1) = "1" End If ' H: Upstream basin Rv ' ***************** ' Average If (IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(9).Value)) Then bavg = False 'Boolean does average exist ElseIf rstMyRecordset.Fields(9).Value = "" Then bavg = False 'Boolean does average exist Else bavg = True 'Boolean does average exist End If ' standard deviation If (IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(10).Value)) Then bSD = False 'Boolean does SD exist ElseIf rstMyRecordset.Fields(10).Value = "" Then bSD = False 'Boolean does SD exist Else bSD = True 'Boolean does SD exist End If ' skew If (IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(11).Value)) Then bSkew = False 'Boolean does SD exist ElseIf rstMyRecordset.Fields(11).Value = "" Then bSkew = False 'Boolean does SD exist Else bSkew = True 'Boolean does SD exist End If If (bavg = True) And (bSD = True) And (bSkew = True) Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 15, 1) = "1" Else Mid(strLinkCriteria, 15, 1) = "0" End If ' I: Upstream basin QW ' ***************** bTestQW = bCheckQWfn(lngInputAnalysisNumber, 1) If bTestQW = True Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 16, 1) = "1" Else Mid(strLinkCriteria, 16, 1) = "0" End If ' J: Upstream basin streamflow ' ***************** If (IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(12).Value)) Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 17, 1) = "0" ElseIf rstMyRecordset.Fields(12).Value = "" Or rstMyRecordset.Fields(12).Value = 0 Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 17, 1) = "0" Else Mid(strLinkCriteria, 17, 1) = "1" End If ' K: Lake basin selected ' ***************** If (IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(13).Value)) Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 18, 1) = "0" ElseIf rstMyRecordset.Fields(13).Value = False Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 18, 1) = "0" Else Mid(strLinkCriteria, 18, 1) = "1" End If ' L: Lake basin definition ' ***************** If (IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(14).Value)) Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 19, 1) = "0" ElseIf rstMyRecordset.Fields(14).Value = "" Or rstMyRecordset.Fields(14).Value = 0 Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 19, 1) = "0" Else Mid(strLinkCriteria, 19, 1) = "1" End If ' M: Downstream Water-quality pairs ' ***************** bTestQW = bCheckQWfn(lngInputAnalysisNumber, 2) If bTestQW = True Then Mid(strLinkCriteria, 20, 1) = "1" Else Mid(strLinkCriteria, 20, 1) = "0" End If strLinkCriteria = strLinkCriteria & strAnalysisName CleanUp: ' Clean up recordset If rstMyRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory 'return status for copying strOutput = strLinkCriteria ' Pass status code ' open the analysis status form? If intOutputLocation = 1 Then DoCmd.OpenForm "frmAnalysisStatus", , , , , , strLinkCriteria Exit Sub Status_Err: intOutErr = intOutErr + 1 If intOutErr < 2 Then MsgBox Err.Description Resume CleanUp: End If Exit Sub End Sub Public Sub GetGISGridLimits(lngProject As Long, intErr As Integer, _ dLatNorth As Double, dlatSouth As Double, dLongWest As Double, dLongEast As Double, _ Optional lngMinRowNo As Long, Optional lngMaxRowNo As Long, _ Optional lngMinColNo As Long, Optional lngMaxColNo As Long, _ Optional lngGridCellNumber As Long, _ Optional dDeltaLat As Double, Optional dDeltaLong As Double) ' ' Purpose: ' To get the maximum and minimum lat/long values for the GISGrid ' associated with a project ' ' Arguments for the GIS Grid ' lngProject As Long input project number ' intErr As Integer output error condition 0=ok, 1 = no values 2 = no difference in max/min 3 other error ' dLatNorth As Double output maximum latitude ' dlatSouth As Double output minimum latitude ' dLongWest As Double output minimum Longitude ' dLongEast As Double output maximum Longitude ' lngMinRowNo As Long minimum grid row ID number (Optional) ' lngMaxRowNo As Long maximum grid row ID number (Optional) ' lngMinColNo As Long minimum grid column ID number (Optional) ' lngMaxColNo As Long maximum grid column ID number (Optional) ' dDeltaLat as Double latitude grid size (Optional) ' dDeltaLong As Double Longitude grid size (Optional) ' lngGridCellNumber As Long number of GIS grid cells (Optional) ' ' History: ' Version 1.0 July 07 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' Arguments: Dim strSQL As String ' Query text Dim rstMyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim dTestLatDifference As Double ' test max/min difference Dim dTestLongDifference As Double ' test max/min difference Dim dTestLatmax As Double Dim dTestLatmin As Double Dim dTestLongmax As Double Dim dTestLongmin As Double Dim dTestLat As Double Dim dTestLong As Double On Error GoTo GetGISGridLimits_Err: ' Initialize intErr = 0 dLatNorth = 90# ' North Pole dlatSouth = -90# ' South Pole dLongWest = -180# ' Date line western Hemisphere dLongEast = 180# ' Date line eastern Hemisphere ' set query string strSQL = "SELECT tblProject.Project_ID, Max(tblGISGrid.dTopLatitude) AS MaxOfdTopLatitude, " & _ "Min(tblGISGrid.dBottomLatitude) AS MinOfdBottomLatitude, " & _ "Max(tblGISGrid.dRightLongitude) AS MaxOfdRightLongitude, " & _ "Min(tblGISGrid.dLeftLongitude) AS MinOfdLeftLongitude, " & _ "Min(tblGISGrid.lGridCellRow) AS MinOflGridCellRow, Max(tblGISGrid.lGridCellRow) AS MaxOflGridCellRow, " & _ "Min(tblGISGrid.lGridCellColumn) AS MinOflGridCellCol, Max(tblGISGrid.lGridCellColumn) AS MaxOflGridCellCol, " & _ "Avg(Abs(tblGISGrid!dTopLatitude-tblGISGrid!dBottomLatitude)) AS deltaLat, " & _ "Avg(Abs(tblGISGrid!dLeftLongitude-tblGISGrid!dRightLongitude)) AS deltaLong, " & _ "Count(tblGISGrid.GISGridCell_ID) AS CountOfGISGridCell_ID " & _ "FROM tblProject INNER JOIN tblGISGrid ON tblProject.GISGridSystem_ID = tblGISGrid.GISGridSystem_ID " & _ "GROUP BY tblProject.Project_ID " & _ "HAVING (((tblProject.Project_ID)=" & lngProject & ")); " 'Reference an ADO Recordset Set rstMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Populate Recordset rstMyRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly ' Are there values? If rstMyRecordset.BOF And rstMyRecordset.EOF Then ' There are no records intErr = 1 Exit Sub End If ' ********************** ' Manditory variables ' Are there differences dTestLatmax = rstMyRecordset.Fields("MaxOfdTopLatitude").Value dTestLatmin = rstMyRecordset.Fields("MinOfdBottomLatitude").Value dTestLongmax = rstMyRecordset.Fields("MaxOfdRightLongitude").Value dTestLongmin = rstMyRecordset.Fields("MinOfdLeftLongitude").Value dTestLat = Abs(dTestLatmax - dTestLatmin) dTestLong = Abs(dTestLongmax - dTestLongmin) ' Assign variables If (dTestLat = 0) Or (dTestLong = 0) Then intErr = 2 If dTestLat <> 0 Then dLatNorth = dTestLatmax ' good value dlatSouth = dTestLatmin ' good value End If If dTestLong <> 0 Then dLongWest = dTestLongmin ' good value dLongEast = dTestLongmax ' good value End If ' ********************** ' Optional variables ' lngMinRowNo As Long minimum grid row ID number (Optional) lngMinRowNo = rstMyRecordset.Fields("MinOflGridCellRow").Value ' lngMaxRowNo As Long maximum grid row ID number (Optional) lngMaxRowNo = rstMyRecordset.Fields("MaxOflGridCellRow").Value ' lngMinColNo As Long minimum grid column ID number (Optional) lngMinColNo = rstMyRecordset.Fields("MinOflGridCellCol").Value ' lngMaxColNo As Long maximum grid column ID number (Optional) lngMaxColNo = rstMyRecordset.Fields("MaxOflGridCellCol").Value ' dDeltaLat as Double latitude grid size (Optional) dDeltaLat = rstMyRecordset.Fields("deltaLat").Value ' dDeltaLong As Double Longitude grid size (Optional) dDeltaLong = rstMyRecordset.Fields("deltaLong").Value ' lngGridCellNumber As Long number of GIS grid cells (Optional) lngGridCellNumber = rstMyRecordset.Fields("CountOfGISGridCell_ID").Value ' Clean up recordset If rstMyRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Sub GetGISGridLimits_Err: intErr = 3 Exit Sub End Sub Public Function fnIsGISGridOK(lngTmpGridNo As Long) As Boolean ' ' Purpose: ' To Ensure that the Grid ID is in table tdxGISGridSystem ' and has at least 4 grid cells in table tblGISGrid ' Arguments ' lngTmpGridNo Input GIS Grid ID ' History: ' Version 1.0 June 23 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' Dim intErr As Integer ' integer error code 0 is ok Dim lngCountGridCells As Long ' Grid cell count Dim rstMyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim strSQL As String ' Query text On Error GoTo fnIsGISGridOK_Err: ' First check if GIS Grid ID is in the domain table tdxGISGridSystem strSQL = "SELECT tdxGISGridSystem.GISGridSystem_ID " & _ "FROM tdxGISGridSystem " & _ "WHERE (((tdxGISGridSystem.GISGridSystem_ID)=" & lngTmpGridNo & "));" Set rstMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Populate Recordset rstMyRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly 'Check for data if ok set default project number GIS Grid ID If rstMyRecordset.BOF And rstMyRecordset.EOF Then ' There is no data for this GIS Grid ID fnIsGISGridOK = False Else fnIsGISGridOK = True End If 'clean up recordset If rstMyRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory If fnIsGISGridOK = False Then Exit Function ' Second Check if GIS Grid ID is in the data table tblGISGrid and ' If there are one or more values strSQL = "SELECT tblGISGrid.GISGridSystem_ID, Count(tblGISGrid.GISGridCell_ID) " & _ "AS CountOfGISGridCell_ID " & _ "FROM tblGISGrid " & _ "GROUP BY tblGISGrid.GISGridSystem_ID " & _ "HAVING (((tblGISGrid.GISGridSystem_ID)=" & lngTmpGridNo & "));" Set rstMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Populate Recordset rstMyRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly ' Default value = bad fnIsGISGridOK = False 'Check for data if ok set default project number lngTmpGridNo If rstMyRecordset.BOF And rstMyRecordset.EOF Then ' There is no data for this GIS Grid ID fnIsGISGridOK = False ElseIf IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then If IsEmpty(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then fnIsGISGridOK = True ' There are sites for this project End If If rstMyRecordset.Fields(1).Value < 1 Then fnIsGISGridOK = False 'clean up recordset If rstMyRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function fnIsGISGridOK_Err: fnIsGISGridOK = False Exit Function End Function Public Function fnIsEcoregionGroupOK(lngTmpGroupNo As Long) As Boolean ' ' Purpose: ' To Ensure that the EcoregionGroup ID is in table tdxEcoregionGroup ' and has more than one Ecoregion cell in table tblEcoregion ' Arguments ' lngTmpGroupNo Input EcoregionGroup ID ' History: ' Version 1.0 June 23 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' Dim intErr As Integer ' integer error code 0 is ok Dim lngCountGroups As Long ' Grid cell count Dim rstMyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim strSQL As String ' Query text On Error GoTo fnIsEcoregionGroupOK_Err: ' First check if EcoregionGroup ID is in the domain table tdxEcoregionGroup strSQL = "SELECT tdxEcoregionGroup.EcoregionGroup_ID " & _ "FROM tdxEcoregionGroup " & _ "WHERE (((tdxEcoregionGroup.EcoregionGroup_ID)=" & lngTmpGroupNo & "));" Set rstMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Populate Recordset rstMyRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly 'Check for data if ok set default project number EcoregionGroup ID If rstMyRecordset.BOF And rstMyRecordset.EOF Then ' There is no data for this EcoregionGroup ID fnIsEcoregionGroupOK = False Else fnIsEcoregionGroupOK = True End If 'clean up recordset If rstMyRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory If fnIsEcoregionGroupOK = False Then Exit Function ' Second Check if EcoregionGroup ID is in the data table tblGISGrid and ' If there are more than one value strSQL = "SELECT tblEcoregion.EcoregionGroup_ID, Count(tblEcoregion.Ecoregion_ID) " & _ "AS CountOfEcoregion_ID " & _ "FROM tblEcoregion " & _ "GROUP BY tblEcoregion.EcoregionGroup_ID " & _ "HAVING (((tblEcoregion.EcoregionGroup_ID)=" & lngTmpGroupNo & "));" Set rstMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Populate Recordset rstMyRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly 'Check for data if ok set default project number lngTmpGroupNo If rstMyRecordset.BOF And rstMyRecordset.EOF Then ' There is no data for this EcoregionGroup fnIsEcoregionGroupOK = False Else If rstMyRecordset.Fields(1).Value < 2 Then fnIsEcoregionGroupOK = False Else fnIsEcoregionGroupOK = True End If End If 'clean up recordset If rstMyRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function fnIsEcoregionGroupOK_Err: fnIsEcoregionGroupOK = False Exit Function End Function Public Function fnIsRainZoneGroupOK(lngTmpGroupNo As Long) As Boolean ' ' Purpose: ' To Ensure that the EcoregionGroup ID is in table tdxEcoregionGroup ' and has more than one Ecoregion cell in table tblEcoregion ' Arguments ' lngTmpGroupNo Input EcoregionGroup ID ' History: ' Version 1.0 June 23 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' Dim intErr As Integer ' integer error code 0 is ok Dim lngCountGroups As Long ' Grid cell count Dim rstMyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim strSQL As String ' Query text On Error GoTo fnIsRainZoneGroupOK_Err: ' First check if RainZoneGroup is in the domain table tdxEcoregionGroup strSQL = "SELECT tdxRainZoneGroup.RainZoneGroup_ID " & _ "FROM tdxRainZoneGroup " & _ "WHERE (((tdxRainZoneGroup.RainZoneGroup_ID)=" & lngTmpGroupNo & "));" Set rstMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Populate Recordset rstMyRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly 'Check for data if ok set default project number RainZoneGroup If rstMyRecordset.BOF And rstMyRecordset.EOF Then ' There is no data for this RainZoneGroup fnIsRainZoneGroupOK = False Else fnIsRainZoneGroupOK = True End If 'clean up recordset If rstMyRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory If fnIsRainZoneGroupOK = False Then Exit Function ' Second Check if RainZoneGroup_ID is in the data table tblRainzones and ' If there at least one value strSQL = "SELECT tblRainZones.RainZoneGroup_ID, Count(tblRainZones.RainZone_ID) " & _ "AS CountOfRainZone_ID " & _ "FROM tblRainZones " & _ "GROUP BY tblRainZones.RainZoneGroup_ID " & _ "HAVING (((tblRainZones.RainZoneGroup_ID)=" & lngTmpGroupNo & "));" Set rstMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Populate Recordset rstMyRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly 'Check for data if ok set default project number lngTmpGroupNo If rstMyRecordset.BOF And rstMyRecordset.EOF Then ' There is no data for this EcoregionGroup fnIsRainZoneGroupOK = False Else If rstMyRecordset.Fields(1).Value < 1 Then fnIsRainZoneGroupOK = False Else fnIsRainZoneGroupOK = True End If End If 'clean up recordset If rstMyRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function fnIsRainZoneGroupOK_Err: fnIsRainZoneGroupOK = False Exit Function End Function Public Function lngGridCellsPerEcoregion(lngEcoregionGroup As Long, lngGridGroup As Long, _ lngEcoregionNumber As Long) As Long ' ' Purpose to provide the number of grid cells for a given ecoregion in a given ecoregion group ' and grid group ' ' lngEcoregionGroup User defined group of ecoregions in table tdxEcoregionGroup ' used in tblEcoregion default is USEPA Level III nutrient ecoregions and ' specified in project table ' lngGridGroup User defined grid system in table tdxGISGridSystem ' used in table tblGISGrid default is conterminious US ' specified in project table ' lngEcoregionNumber -- the user defined ecoregion number (not the database ID) ' ' History: Created July 10 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' Arguments Dim bHasdata As Boolean ' has data Dim strSQL As String ' query string Dim rstMyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim lngTempOutput As Long ' temporary output On Error GoTo lngGridCellsPerEcoregion_Err: strSQL = "SELECT Count(tblGISGrid.GISGridCell_ID) AS CountOfGISGridCell_ID " & _ "FROM tblEcoregion INNER JOIN (tblGISGrid INNER JOIN tasGISGridEcoregion ON tblGISGrid.GISGridCell_ID = " & _ "tasGISGridEcoregion.GISGridCell_ID) ON tblEcoregion.Ecoregion_ID = tasGISGridEcoregion.Ecoregion_ID " & _ "WHERE (((tblEcoregion.lEcoregionNumber) <> " & lngEcoregionNumber & ")) " & _ "GROUP BY tblGISGrid.GISGridSystem_ID, tblEcoregion.EcoregionGroup_ID " & _ "HAVING (((tblGISGrid.GISGridSystem_ID)=" & lngGridGroup & ") AND " & _ "((tblEcoregion.EcoregionGroup_ID)=" & lngEcoregionGroup & "));" 'Reference an ADO Recordset Set rstMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Populate Recordset rstMyRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly ' Check values bHasdata = False If rstMyRecordset.BOF And rstMyRecordset.EOF Then bHasdata = False ElseIf IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then If IsEmpty(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then bHasdata = True ' There are sites for this project End If ' assign temporary value If bHasdata = True Then ' There is an ecoregion for this analysis lngTempOutput = rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value Else ' There is no ecoregion for this analysis lngTempOutput = -9999 End If ' assign function value lngGridCellsPerEcoregion = lngTempOutput ' Clean up recordset If rstMyRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function lngGridCellsPerEcoregion_Err: lngGridCellsPerEcoregion = -9999 Exit Function End Function Public Function EcoName(lngEcoID As Long) As String ' ' Purpose: ' To get the ecoregion name ' lngEcoID As Long input ecoregion ID number and return it as a string ' ' History: ' Version 1.0 July 20 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' Dim strSQL As String ' Query String Dim rstMyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim bHasdata As Boolean ' test data On Error GoTo EcoName_Err: strSQL = "SELECT tblEcoregion.Ecoregion_ID, tblEcoregion.lEcoregionNumber, tblEcoregion.tEcoregionName " & _ "FROM tblEcoregion " & _ "WHERE (((tblEcoregion.Ecoregion_ID)=" & lngEcoID & "));" 'Reference an ADO Recordset Set rstMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Populate Recordset rstMyRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic ' Check values bHasdata = False If rstMyRecordset.BOF And rstMyRecordset.EOF Then ' There are no records bHasdata = False ElseIf IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then If IsEmpty(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then bHasdata = True ' There are station stats in an/the analysis End If If bHasdata = True Then EcoName = "Ecoregion: " & rstMyRecordset.Fields("lEcoregionNumber").Value & " " & _ rstMyRecordset.Fields("tEcoregionName").Value Else EcoName = "" End If ' Clean up recordset If rstMyRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function EcoName_Err: EcoName = "" Exit Function End Function Public Function RainZoneName(lngRZID As Long) As String ' ' Purpose: ' To get the ecoregion name ' lngRzID As Long input rain zone ID number and return it as a string ' ' History: ' Version 1.0 July 20 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' Dim strSQL As String ' Query String Dim rstMyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim bHasdata As Boolean ' test data Dim strRzName As String ' temp name Dim strRzNumber As String ' temp number On Error GoTo EcoName_Err: strSQL = "SELECT tblRainZones.RainZone_ID, tblRainZones.lRainZoneIndex, tblRainZones.tRainZoneName " & _ "FROM tblRainZones " & _ "WHERE (((tblRainZones.RainZone_ID)=" & lngRZID & "));" 'Reference an ADO Recordset Set rstMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Populate Recordset rstMyRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic ' Check values bHasdata = False If rstMyRecordset.BOF And rstMyRecordset.EOF Then ' There are no records bHasdata = False ElseIf IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then If IsEmpty(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then bHasdata = True ' There are station stats in an/the analysis End If RainZoneName = "" If bHasdata = True Then strRzNumber = Trim(rstMyRecordset.Fields("lRainZoneIndex").Value) strRzName = Trim(rstMyRecordset.Fields("tRainZoneName").Value) If Len(strRzNumber) > 0 Then If Len(strRzName) > 0 Then RainZoneName = "Rain Zone " & strRzNumber & ": " & strRzName Else RainZoneName = "Rain Zone: " & strRzNumber End If Else If Len(strRzName) > 0 Then RainZoneName = "Rain Zone: " & strRzName End If End If ' Clean up recordset If rstMyRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function EcoName_Err: RainZoneName = "" Exit Function End Function Sub CheckSTR(MyText As String, strVal As String, intP As Integer) ' ' Purpose to check to see if an input is a valid string and if so assign it, if not assign zero-length string ' ' History: Created Mar. 2005 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' Arguments Dim intErr As Integer Dim interr2 As Integer ' intErr = IIf(IsNull(Trim(MyText)), 1, 0) ' text box text is null intProblem = 1 If intErr = 1 Then intP = intP + 1 strVal = MyText ElseIf Trim(MyText) = "" Then intP = intP + 1 ' text box is empty intProblem = 1 strVal = "" Else strVal = Trim(MyText) End If End Sub Sub CheckNRS(MyVal As Variant, sVal As Single, intP As Integer) ' ' Purpose to check to see if an input is a valid single and if so assign it, if not assign -999.000 ' ' History: Created Mar. 2005 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' Arguments Dim intErr As Integer Dim interr2 As Integer ' intErr = IIf(IsNull(Trim(MyVal)), 1, 0) ' text box text is null intProblem = 1 If intErr = 1 Then intP = intP + 1 sVal = -9999# ElseIf Trim(MyVal) = "" Then intP = intP + 1 ' text box is empty intProblem = 1 sVal = -9999# Else Call chkSingle(Trim(MyVal), sVal, interr2) ' check that input is a valid single precision number if so assign to 2nd argument. If interr2 <> 0 Then intP = intP + 1 sVal = -9999# End If End If End Sub Sub CheckNRD(MyVal As Variant, dVal As Double, intP As Integer) ' ' Purpose to check to see if an input is a valid double and if so assign it, if not assign -999.000 ' ' History: Created Mar. 2005 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' Arguments Dim intErr As Integer Dim interr2 As Integer ' intErr = IIf(IsNull(Trim(MyVal)), 1, 0) ' text box text is null intProblem = 1 If intErr = 1 Then intP = intP + 1 dVal = -9999# ElseIf Trim(MyVal) = "" Then intP = intP + 1 ' text box is empty intProblem = 1 dVal = -9999# Else Call chkDouble(Trim(MyVal), dVal, interr2) ' check that input is a valid double precision number if so assign to 2nd argument. If interr2 <> 0 Then intP = intP + 1 dVal = -9999# End If End If End Sub Sub chkLong(instuff As Variant, lout As Long, intEC As Integer) ' ' Purpose: ' To check that a number is a long by assigning it. an error condition will indicate ' text ' History: ' Version 1.0 May 2004 by G.E. Granato ' ' strInStr Input string ' error condition ' Arguments Dim dtest As Double ' test string for rounding Dim lTest As Long 'test input string ' if Error type mismatch (input is not a long number) assign intEC as 2 On Error GoTo Err_NotANumber: ' initialize error code intEC = 0 ' test for null and for conversion If IsNull(instuff) Then intEC = 3 Exit Sub ElseIf Trim(instuff = "") Then intEC = 3 Exit Sub Else dtest = instuff lTest = Round(dtest, 0) End If lout = CLng(lTest) Exit Sub Err_NotANumber: intEC = 2 Exit Sub End Sub Sub chkSingle(instuff As Variant, Sout As Single, intEC As Integer) ' ' Purpose: ' To check that a number is a single by assigning it. an error condition will indicate ' text ' History: ' Version 1.0 May 2004 by G.E. Granato ' ' strInStr Input string ' error condition ' Arguments Dim sTest As Single 'test input string ' if Error type mismatch (input is not a Single precision number) assign intEC as 2 On Error GoTo Err_NotANumber: ' initialize error code intEC = 0 ' test for null and for conversion If IsNull(instuff) Then intEC = 3 Exit Sub ElseIf Trim(instuff = "") Then intEC = 3 Exit Sub Else sTest = instuff End If Sout = CSng(sTest) Exit Sub Err_NotANumber: intEC = 2 Exit Sub End Sub Sub chkDouble(instuff As Variant, dout As Double, intEC As Integer) ' ' Purpose: ' To check that a number is a single by assigning it. an error condition will indicate ' text ' History: ' Version 1.0 May 2004 by G.E. Granato ' ' strInStr Input string ' error condition ' Arguments Dim dtest As Double 'test input string ' if Error type mismatch (input is not a Double precision number) assign intEC as 2 On Error GoTo Err_NotANumber: ' initialize error code intEC = 0 ' test for null and for conversion If IsNull(instuff) Then intEC = 3 Exit Sub ElseIf Trim(instuff = "") Then intEC = 3 Exit Sub Else dtest = instuff End If dout = CDbl(dtest) Exit Sub Err_NotANumber: intEC = 2 Exit Sub End Sub Public Sub MathString(MString As String, dMyInAverage As Double, dMyInSD As Double, _ dTmpSkew As Double, lngTransform As Long) ' ' Purpose to convert user input to other statistics ' ' History: Created September 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' MString As String output math string ' dMyInAverage As Double input average ' dMyInSD As Double input standard deviation ' dTmpSkew as double input skew coefficient ' lngTransform as long input transform Transform 1: Untransformed 2:Log10 3:LN ' ' Confidence interval of skew Kirby ' LN-Arithmetic Chow ' Arguments Dim strMStr As String Dim dTmpAvg As Double 'Temporary (retransformed) Average Dim dTmpSD As Double 'Temporary (retransformed) Standard Deviation Dim dTmpCOVL As Double Dim dTmpCOVA As Double Dim dMyGeoMean As Double Dim sSolveForN As Double Dim lngSampleCount Dim strSkewText As String On Error GoTo MathString_Err: MString = "" strMStr = strMStr & "Statistical Summary of Input Values: " & vbCrLf If lngTransform = 1 Then ' arithmetic values strMStr = " Arithmetic statistics:" & vbCrLf & vbCrLf strMStr = strMStr & "Mean: " & dMyInAverage & vbCrLf strMStr = strMStr & "Standard Deviation: " & dMyInSD & vbCrLf If dMyInAverage <> 0 Then dTmpCOVA = dMyInSD / dMyInAverage strMStr = strMStr & "Coefficient of Variation (COV): " & dTmpCOVA & vbCrLf Else strMStr = strMStr & "Error arithmetic water-quality variables should not have a mean of zero!" & vbCrLf End If strMStr = strMStr & "Skew Coefficient: " & dTmpSkew & vbCrLf ElseIf lngTransform = 2 Then ' Log Base 10 strMStr = "Approximate conversion of mean and standard deviation in common-log units to equivalent arithmetic values." & vbCrLf strMStr = strMStr & "The conversion equations are based on the assumption of zero skew in log space." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf dMyGeoMean = 10# ^ (dMyInAverage) strMStr = strMStr & "Geometric Mean: " & dMyGeoMean & vbCrLf dTmpAvg = 10# ^ (dMyInAverage + (Log(10#) * ((dMyInSD * dMyInSD) / 2#))) dTmpSD = Sqr((dTmpAvg ^ 2#) * ((10# ^ (Log(10#) * (dMyInSD * dMyInSD))) - 1#)) strMStr = strMStr & "Mean: " & dTmpAvg & vbCrLf strMStr = strMStr & "Standard Deviation: " & dTmpSD & vbCrLf If dTmpAvg <> 0# Then dTmpCOVA = dTmpSD / dTmpAvg strMStr = strMStr & "Coefficient of Variation (COV): " & dTmpCOVA & vbCrLf End If Else ' natural Log strMStr = "Approximate conversion of mean and standard deviation in natural-log units to equivalent arithmetic values." & vbCrLf strMStr = strMStr & "The conversion equations are based on the assumption of zero skew in log space." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf dMyGeoMean = Exp(dMyInAverage) strMStr = strMStr & "Geometric Mean: " & dMyGeoMean & vbCrLf dTmpAvg = Exp((dMyInAverage + ((dMyInSD * dMyInSD) / 2#))) strMStr = strMStr & "Mean: " & dTmpAvg & vbCrLf dTmpSD = Sqr((dTmpAvg ^ 2#) * (Exp(dMyInSD * dMyInSD) - 1#)) strMStr = strMStr & "Standard Deviation: " & dTmpSD & vbCrLf If dTmpAvg <> 0# Then dTmpCOVA = dTmpSD / dTmpAvg strMStr = strMStr & "Coefficient of Variation (COV): " & dTmpCOVA & vbCrLf End If End If 'If Abs(dTmpSkew) <= 0.1 Then ' lngSampleCount = 2300 'Else ' lngSampleCount = CLng((6# / ((Abs(dTmpSkew) / 1.96) ^ 2))) 'End If ' 'If lngTransform = 1 Then ' strSkewText = "The coefficient of skew is within the 95 percent confidence limit " & vbCrLf & _ ' "of a normal distribution for sample sizes less than about " & lngSampleCount & " measurements." 'Else ' strSkewText = "The coefficient of skew is within the 95 percent confidence limit " & vbCrLf & _ ' "of a lognormal distribution for sample sizes less than about " & lngSampleCount & " measurements." 'End If 'strMStr = strMStr & strSkewText MString = strMStr Exit Sub MathString_Err: MString = "Error in input statistics." Exit Sub End Sub Public Sub LaunchHelp(lngHelpNumber As Long) ' ' Purpose: ' To Launch frmExplanation with text explaining the contents of the calling form ' History: ' Version 1.0 26 October 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' Dim strFormName As String ' Target form name Dim strLinkCriteria As String ' Link criteria to control form-load events Dim strOpenArgs As String ' Link criteria to control form-load events On Error GoTo Err_LaunchHelp ' Set parameters and open form strFormName = "frmExplanation" ' target form name strLinkCriteria = lngHelpNumber ' Link crieria Value of lngExplanation_ID in table tblExplanationMemo strOpenArgs = lngHelpNumber DoCmd.OpenForm strFormName, , , , , , strOpenArgs Exit_LaunchHelp: Exit Sub ' Handle errors Err_LaunchHelp: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_LaunchHelp End Sub Public Sub ExitSELDM() ' ' Purpose: ' To exit the database (after confirming) ' History: ' Version 1.0 June 20 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' Version 1.1 09/02/2011 by Gregory E. Granato provides output table cleaning on exit from anywhere ' Dim intMsgBox As Integer ' Message box return value Dim strMsgBox As String ' Message String On Error GoTo Err_ExitSELDM: strMsgBox = "This button will close the user interface and" & vbCrLf & _ "the Microsoft Access database." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & _ "Do you want to exit the SELDM database application?" ' Make sure the user really wants to quit intMsgBox = MsgBox(strMsgBox, vbYesNo, "Exit SELDM?") If intMsgBox = 6 Then ' Yes Quit ' Do we need to clear output tables? If modPublicInterface.bCheckQWOutTable = True Then Call modPublicInterface.DoMyStatusBar("Emptying output tables") Call modMainSELDM.RerunEmpty 'Empty output tables Call modPublicInterface.DoMyStatusBar("Done") End If DoCmd.Quit Else Exit Sub End If Exit_ExitSELDM: Exit Sub Err_ExitSELDM: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_ExitSELDM End Sub Public Function strPCode(lngMyQWID As Long, intReturn As Integer) As String ' ' Purpose: ' To return water-quality parameter strings ' History: ' Version 1.0 Nov 27 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' lngMyQWID Water-quality ID ' intReturn what do we return: ' 0: Name only 1: Pcode only 2: Group only ' 3: Pcode_Name 4: Pcode_Group_Name Dim bHasdata As Boolean ' test data Dim rstPcodeRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim strMainSQL As String ' Query text Dim strMyPcode As String Dim strMyPGroup As String Dim strMyPName As String On Error GoTo strPCode_Err: 'Reference an ADO Recordset Set rstPcodeRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset strMainSQL = "SELECT tdsUSEPAParameterCodes.Parameter_ID, " & _ "tdsUSEPAParameterCodes.tPcode, tdsUSEPAParameterCodes.tParameterGroup, tdsUSEPAParameterCodes.tParameterName " & _ "FROM tdsUSEPAParameterCodes " & _ "WHERE (((tdsUSEPAParameterCodes.Parameter_ID)=" & lngMyQWID & "));" 'Populate Recordset rstPcodeRecordset.Open strMainSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly ' Check values bHasdata = False If rstPcodeRecordset.BOF And rstPcodeRecordset.EOF Then ' There is no data for this project bHasdata = False ElseIf IsNull(rstPcodeRecordset.Fields(1).Value) = False Then If IsEmpty(rstPcodeRecordset.Fields(1).Value) = False Then bHasdata = True ' There is pcode info End If If bHasdata = True Then strMyPName = rstPcodeRecordset.Fields("tParameterName").Value strMyPcode = rstPcodeRecordset.Fields("tPcode").Value strMyPGroup = rstPcodeRecordset.Fields("tParameterGroup").Value If intReturn = 0 Then strPCode = strMyPName ElseIf intReturn = 1 Then strPCode = strMyPcode ElseIf intReturn = 2 Then strPCode = strMyPGroup ElseIf intReturn = 3 Then strPCode = strMyPcode & " " & strMyPName Else strPCode = strMyPcode & " " & strMyPGroup & " " & strMyPName End If Else strPCode = "Undefined" End If ' Clean up recordset If rstPcodeRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstPcodeRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstPcodeRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function strPCode_Err: strPCode = "Undefined" Exit Function End Function Public Function strMyTransformation(lngMyInTransformation As Long) As String ' ' Purpose: ' To return transformation parameter strings ' History: ' Version 1.0 Nov 27 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' lngMyInTransformation Transformation ID Dim bHasdata As Boolean ' test data Dim rstTransformRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim strMainSQL As String ' Query text On Error GoTo strMyTransformation_Err: 'Reference an ADO Recordset Set rstTransformRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset strMainSQL = "SELECT tdsTransformation.Transformation_ID, tdsTransformation.tTansformation " & _ "FROM tdsTransformation " & _ "WHERE (((tdsTransformation.Transformation_ID)=" & lngMyInTransformation & "));" 'Populate Recordset rstTransformRecordset.Open strMainSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly ' Check values bHasdata = False If rstTransformRecordset.BOF And rstTransformRecordset.EOF Then ' There is no data for this project bHasdata = False ElseIf IsNull(rstTransformRecordset.Fields(1).Value) = False Then If IsEmpty(rstTransformRecordset.Fields(1).Value) = False Then bHasdata = True ' There are station stats in an/the analysis End If If bHasdata = True Then strMyTransformation = rstTransformRecordset.Fields(1).Value Else strMyTransformation = "Undefined" End If ' Clean up recordset If rstTransformRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstTransformRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstTransformRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function strMyTransformation_Err: strMyTransformation = "Undefined" Exit Function End Function Public Function fnbGoodQWID(lngMyInA As Long, lngMyInQWID As Long) As Boolean ' ' Purpose to check the highway runoff/upstream water quality definition ID. ' ' History: Created Dec 05 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' lngMyInA as long 1: Highway QW 2: Background QW ' lngMyInQWID water quality ID in respective table ' Dim bHasdata As Boolean ' test data Dim rstMyRecordsetQWID As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim strSQL As String ' Query text Dim intOutErr As Integer On Error GoTo fnbGoodQWID_Err: intOutErr = 0 If lngMyInA = 1 Then ' Highway QW strSQL = "SELECT tblQWHighway.HighwayWaterQuality_ID " & _ "FROM tblQWHighway " & _ "WHERE (((tblQWHighway.HighwayWaterQuality_ID)=" & lngMyInQWID & "));" ElseIf lngMyInA = 2 Then ' Background QW strSQL = "SELECT tblQWUpstream.UpstreamWaterQuality_ID " & _ "FROM tblQWUpstream " & _ "WHERE (((tblQWUpstream.UpstreamWaterQuality_ID)=" & lngMyInQWID & "));" Else 'Error fnbGoodQWID = False Exit Function End If 'Reference an ADO Recordset Set rstMyRecordsetQWID = New ADODB.Recordset 'Populate Recordset rstMyRecordsetQWID.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly ' Check values bHasdata = False If rstMyRecordsetQWID.BOF And rstMyRecordsetQWID.EOF Then ' There is no record bHasdata = False ElseIf IsNull(rstMyRecordsetQWID.Fields(0).Value) = False Then If IsEmpty(rstMyRecordsetQWID.Fields(0).Value) = False Then bHasdata = True ' There are data End If fnbGoodQWID = bHasdata CleanUp: If rstMyRecordsetQWID.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordsetQWID.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordsetQWID = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function fnbGoodQWID_Err: fnbGoodQWID = False intOutErr = intOutErr + 1 If intOutErr < 2 Then GoTo CleanUp: Exit Function End Function Public Function fnbGoodQWPairID(lngMyInQWID As Long) As Boolean ' ' Purpose to check the water-quality-pair definition ID. ' ' History: Created Dec 30 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' lngMyInA as long 1: Highway QW 2: Background QW ' lngMyInQWID water quality ID in respective table ' Dim bHasdata As Boolean ' test data Dim rstMyRecordsetQWID As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim strSQL As String ' Query text Dim intOutErr As Integer On Error GoTo fnbGoodQWPairID_Err: intOutErr = 0 strSQL = "SELECT tblQWDownstream.DownstreamWaterQuality_ID " & _ "FROM tblQWDownstream " & _ "WHERE (((tblQWDownstream.DownstreamWaterQuality_ID)=" & lngMyInQWID & "));" 'Reference an ADO Recordset Set rstMyRecordsetQWID = New ADODB.Recordset 'Populate Recordset rstMyRecordsetQWID.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly ' Check values bHasdata = False If rstMyRecordsetQWID.BOF And rstMyRecordsetQWID.EOF Then ' There is no record bHasdata = False ElseIf IsNull(rstMyRecordsetQWID.Fields(0).Value) = False Then If IsEmpty(rstMyRecordsetQWID.Fields(0).Value) = False Then bHasdata = True ' There are data End If fnbGoodQWPairID = bHasdata CleanUp: If rstMyRecordsetQWID.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordsetQWID.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordsetQWID = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function Exit Function fnbGoodQWPairID_Err: fnbGoodQWPairID = False intOutErr = intOutErr + 1 If intOutErr < 2 Then GoTo CleanUp: Exit Function End Function Public Sub TrapezoidStats(dMin As Double, dlB As Double, dub As Double, dMax As Double, _ dAvg As Double, dSD As Double) ' ' Purpose: ' To calculate the average and standard deviation of the triangular/trapeziodal distribution ' History: ' Version 1.0 Oct 25 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' Reference: ' Kacker, R.N., and Lawrence, J.F., 2007, Trapezoid and triangular distributions for Type B evaluation of ' standard uncertainty: Metrologia, v. 44, p. 117-127. ' ' Arguments ' dMin minimum trapezoidal value (lower bound) input ' dlB lower bound of the most probable value input ' dub upper bound of the most probable value input ' dMax maximum trapezoidal value (upper bound) input ' dAvg calculated average of the trapezoidal distribution given input variables output ' dSD calculated standard deviation of the trapezoidal distribution given input variables output Dim intMsgBox As Integer Dim intWhere As Integer Dim dH As Double Dim dR As Double Dim ds As Double Dim dt As Double Dim dMyMean As Double Dim dMyVar As Double On Error GoTo TrapezoidStats_Err: intWhere = 0 dR = dlB - dMin ' lower segment length ds = dub - dlB ' middle segment length dt = dMax - dub ' upper segment length dH = 2# / ((dMax - dMin) + (dub - dlB)) dMyMean = ((dMax ^ 2#) - (dMin ^ 2#)) + ((dub ^ 2#) - (dlB ^ 2#)) - (dMin * dlB) + (dub * dMax) dMyMean = dMyMean / (3 * ((dMax - dMin) + (dub - dlB))) intWhere = 1 ' Calculated Avg dMyVar = 3 * ((dR + 2 * ds + dt) ^ 4#) + 6# * (dR ^ 2# + dt ^ 2#) * ((dR + 2# * ds + dt) ^ 2#) - ((dR ^ 2# - dt ^ 2#) ^ 2#) dMyVar = dMyVar / ((12# * (dR + 2# * ds + dt)) ^ 2#) intWhere = 2 ' Calculated Variance dAvg = dMyMean dSD = Sqr(dMyVar) Exit Sub TrapezoidStats_Err: If intWhere < 1 Then dAvg = -9999# If intWhere <= 1 Then dSD = -9999# ElseIf intWhere = 2 Then dSD = Sqr(Abs(dMyVar)) End If Exit Sub End Sub Public Function dTrapezoidInverseCDF(dMin As Double, dlB As Double, dub As Double, dMax As Double, _ dPercentile) As Double ' ' Purpose: ' To calculate the sample value for a given percentile with a triangular/trapeziodal distribution ' History: ' Version 1.0 Oct 25 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' Reference: ' Kacker, R.N., and Lawrence, J.F., 2007, Trapezoid and triangular distributions for Type B evaluation of ' standard uncertainty: Metrologia, v. 44, p. 117-127. ' ' Arguments ' dMin minimum trapezoidal value (lower bound) ' dlB lower bound of the most probable value ' dub upper bound of the most probable value ' dMax maximum trapezoidal value (upper bound) ' dPercentile input percentile for which to calculate the inverse CDF Dim dH As Double ' height of the trapezoidal distribution On Error GoTo dTrapezoidInverseCDF_Err: dH = 2# / ((dMax - dMin) + (dub - dlB)) ' Get median If ((dH / 2#) * (dlB - dMin)) >= dPercentile Then dTrapezoidInverseCDF = dMin + Sqr((2# * (dlB - dMin)) / dH) * Sqr(dPercentile) ElseIf (1 - ((dH / 2#) * (dMax - dub))) >= dPercentile Then dTrapezoidInverseCDF = ((dMin + dlB) / 2#) + (dPercentile / dH) Else dTrapezoidInverseCDF = dMax - (Sqr((2# * (dMax - dub)) / dH) * Sqr(1# - dPercentile)) End If Exit Function dTrapezoidInverseCDF_Err: dTrapezoidInverseCDF = -9999# Exit Function End Function Public Function bLakeAnalysisfn(lngInAnalysisID As Long) As Boolean ' ' Purpose: ' To determine if an analysis includes a lake-basin analysis ' History: ' Version 1.0 Dec 30 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' Arguments Dim strSQL As String Dim rstMyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim bHasdata As Boolean Dim intOutErr As Integer On Error GoTo bLakeAnalysisfn_Err: intOutErr = 0 'Reference an ADO Recordset Set rstMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "SELECT tblHighwayAnalysis.HighwayAnalysis_ID, tblHighwayAnalysis.bLakeBasinAnalysis " & _ "FROM tblHighwayAnalysis " & _ "WHERE (((tblHighwayAnalysis.HighwayAnalysis_ID)=" & lngInAnalysisID & "));" rstMyRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly ' Check values bHasdata = False If rstMyRecordset.BOF And rstMyRecordset.EOF Then ' There is no data for this analysis bHasdata = False ElseIf IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then If IsEmpty(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then bHasdata = True ' There is no data for this analysis End If If bHasdata = False Then bLakeAnalysisfn = False Else bLakeAnalysisfn = CBool(Nz(rstMyRecordset.Fields(1).Value, 0)) End If CleanUp: If rstMyRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function bLakeAnalysisfn_Err: bLakeAnalysisfn = False intOutErr = intOutErr + 1 If intOutErr < 2 Then Resume CleanUp: Exit Function End Function Public Function bCheckQWfn(lngInAnalysisID As Long, intQWCategory As Integer) As Boolean ' ' Purpose: ' To determine if an analysis includes one or more water-quality definitions ' ' lngInAnalysisID As Long Analysis ID ' intQWCategory as integer Type of water-quality variable 0: Highway, 1: Upstream 2: Downstream ' ' History: ' Version 1.0 Jan 07 2009 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' Arguments Dim strSQL As String Dim rstMyQWRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim bHasdata As Boolean Dim intOutErr As Integer On Error GoTo bCheckQWfn_Err: intOutErr = 0 'Reference an ADO Recordset Set rstMyQWRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset If intQWCategory = 0 Then '0: Highway strSQL = "SELECT tasAnalysisHighwayQW.HighwayAnalysis_ID " & _ "FROM tasAnalysisHighwayQW " & _ "WHERE (((tasAnalysisHighwayQW.HighwayAnalysis_ID)=" & lngInAnalysisID & "));" ElseIf intQWCategory = 1 Then ' 1: Upstream strSQL = "SELECT tasAnalysisUpstreamQW.HighwayAnalysis_ID " & _ "FROM tasAnalysisUpstreamQW " & _ "WHERE (((tasAnalysisUpstreamQW.HighwayAnalysis_ID)=" & lngInAnalysisID & "));" Else '2: Downstream strSQL = "SELECT tasAnalysisDownstreamQW.HighwayAnalysis_ID " & _ "FROM tasAnalysisDownstreamQW " & _ "WHERE (((tasAnalysisDownstreamQW.HighwayAnalysis_ID)=" & lngInAnalysisID & "));" End If rstMyQWRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly ' Check values bHasdata = False If rstMyQWRecordset.BOF And rstMyQWRecordset.EOF Then ' There is no data for this analysis bHasdata = False ElseIf IsNull(rstMyQWRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then If IsEmpty(rstMyQWRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then bHasdata = True ' There is no data for this analysis End If bCheckQWfn = bHasdata CleanUp: If rstMyQWRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyQWRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyQWRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function bCheckQWfn_Err: bCheckQWfn = False intOutErr = intOutErr + 1 If intOutErr < 2 Then Resume CleanUp: Exit Function End Function Public Sub UpdateProgressBar(strInputForm As String, _ strProgressBarName As String, lngMaxLenProgress As Long, _ lngStepNumber As Long, lngNumberofSteps As Long, _ strStatusBoxName As String, strStatus As String, lngMaxLenStatus As Long) ' ' Purpose: ' To update the progress bar and/or status text if defined ' strInputForm As String input form name ' strProgressBarName As String the name of the ProgressBar (for progress dots) text box ' lngMaxLenProgress As Long maximum number of characters in strProgress ' lngStepNumber As Long current step ' lngNumberofSteps As Long, total number of steps ' strStatusBoxName As String the name of the Status text box ' strStatus As String the strStatus text ' lngMaxLenStatus As Long maximum number of characters in strStatus ' History: ' Version 1.0 Jan 16 2009 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' Arguments Dim frmRunAnalysis As Form Dim ctlProgressBar As Control Dim ctlStatusText As Control Dim dProportion As Double Dim lngI As Long Dim lngJ As Long Dim strProgress As String On Error GoTo UpdateProgressBar_Err: If modPublicInterface.fnbIsFormLoaded(strInputForm) = False Then 'If it is not open an error will occur Exit Sub End If strProgressBarName = Nz(strProgressBarName, "") strStatusBoxName = Nz(strStatusBoxName, "") strStatus = Nz(strStatus, "") DoCmd.Hourglass False dProportion = (lngStepNumber / lngNumberofSteps) lngJ = CLng(dProportion * lngMaxLenProgress) If lngJ > lngMaxLenProgress Then lngJ = lngMaxLenProgress For lngI = 1 To lngJ strProgress = strProgress & Chr(149) ' update progress bar within form Next lngI Forms.Item(strInputForm).Controls.Item(strProgressBarName).Value = strProgress If Len(strStatusBoxName) > 0 Then If Len(strStatus) <= lngMaxLenProgress Then ' Assign to form Forms.Item(strInputForm).Controls.Item(strStatusBoxName).Value = strStatus Else Forms.Item(strInputForm).Controls.Item(strStatusBoxName).Value = Left(strStatus, lngMaxLenProgress) End If End If Forms.Item(strInputForm).Repaint DoCmd.Hourglass True Exit Sub UpdateProgressBar_Err: Exit Sub End Sub Public Function fnbIsFormLoaded(strMyCurrentForm As String) As Boolean ' ' Purpose: ' To see if a form is open ' strMyCurrentForm As String input form name ' History: ' Version 1.0 Jan 16 2009 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' Arguments Dim bAmILoaded As Boolean ' Dim strmsgstr As String On Error GoTo fnbIsFormLoaded_Err: bAmILoaded = Application.CurrentProject.AllForms(strMyCurrentForm).IsLoaded 'If bAmILoaded = True Then ' strmsgstr = "Error: Form " & strMyCurrentForm & " is already loaded." & vbCrLf & _ ' "The SELDM user interface must be used one form at a time." & vbCrLf & _ ' "Please use the previously open version of this form." ' MsgBox strmsgstr, vbCritical, "Duplicate Form Load Error:" 'End If fnbIsFormLoaded = bAmILoaded Exit Function fnbIsFormLoaded_Err: MsgBox Err.Description fnbIsFormLoaded = False Exit Function End Function Public Function fnbIsSeedIDinTable(lngSeedID As Long) As Boolean ' ' Purpose: ' To Ensure that an input seed number is in the seed table ' ' Arguments ' lngSeedID the input seed ID ' ' History: ' Version 1.0 June 23 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' Dim rstMySeedRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim strSQL As String ' Query text Dim intErr As Integer ' problem flag Dim bHasdata As Boolean ' test data On Error GoTo fnbIsSeedIDinTable_Err: intErr = 0 ' Reference an ADO Recordset Set rstMySeedRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "SELECT tblURNSeeds.URNSeed_ID " & _ "FROM tblURNSeeds " & _ "WHERE (((tblURNSeeds.URNSeed_ID)=" & lngSeedID & "));" 'Populate Recordset rstMySeedRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly ' Check values bHasdata = False If rstMySeedRecordset.BOF And rstMySeedRecordset.EOF Then ' There is no data for this analysis bHasdata = False ElseIf IsNull(rstMySeedRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then If IsEmpty(rstMySeedRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then bHasdata = True ' There is no data for this analysis End If fnbIsSeedIDinTable = bHasdata CleanUp: If rstMySeedRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMySeedRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMySeedRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function fnbIsSeedIDinTable_Err: fnbIsSeedIDinTable = False intErr = intErr + 1 If intErr < 2 Then GoTo CleanUp: Exit Function End Function Public Function fnGetMyVersion(inttoggle As Integer) As String ' Purpose to get the latest version number and date ' ' inttoggle = input number indicating what is wanted ' ' History: Created March 2009 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' Arguments Dim rstMyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset Dim strSQL As String Dim strBuild01 As String Dim strBuild02 As String Dim bHasdata As Boolean On Error GoTo Version_Err: If inttoggle = 0 Or inttoggle = 1 Then ' version number and date strSQL = "SELECT tblVersionInformation.strVersionNumber, " & _ "tblVersionInformation.strVersionDate, Max(tblVersionInformation.Version_ID) AS MaxOfVersion_ID " & _ "FROM tblVersionInformation " & _ "GROUP BY tblVersionInformation.strVersionNumber, tblVersionInformation.strVersionDate " & _ "ORDER BY Max(tblVersionInformation.Version_ID) DESC;" ElseIf inttoggle = 999 Then ' All version numbers, dates, citations, and explanations strSQL = "SELECT tblVersionInformation.Version_ID, " & _ "tblVersionInformation.strVersionNumber, tblVersionInformation.strVersionDate, " & _ "tblVersionInformation.mVersionCitation, tblVersionInformation.mVersionExplanation " & _ "FROM tblVersionInformation " & _ "ORDER BY tblVersionInformation.Version_ID;" Else ' Last (most current) version number, date, citation, and explanation strSQL = "SELECT Last(tblVersionInformation.Version_ID) AS LastOfVersion_ID, " & _ "Last(tblVersionInformation.strVersionNumber) AS LastOfstrVersionNumber, " & _ "Last(tblVersionInformation.strVersionDate) AS LastOfstrVersionDate, " & _ "Last(tblVersionInformation.mVersionCitation) AS LastOfmVersionCitation, " & _ "Last(tblVersionInformation.mVersionExplanation) AS LastOfmVersionExplanation, " & _ "Max(tblVersionInformation.Version_ID) AS MaxOfVersion_ID " & _ "FROM tblVersionInformation;" End If ' Reference an ADO Recordset Set rstMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset ' Open existing Record set rstMyRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly ' Check values bHasdata = False If rstMyRecordset.BOF And rstMyRecordset.EOF Then bHasdata = False ElseIf IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then If IsEmpty(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then bHasdata = True ' There are sites for this project End If ' assign temporary value If bHasdata = True Then ' If inttoggle = 0 Or inttoggle = 1 Then ' 0: Just get version number 1: Get version number & date strBuild01 = "Version: " & rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value strBuild02 = Nz(rstMyRecordset.Fields(1).Value, "") ElseIf inttoggle = 999 Then ' Catalog whole explanation strBuild01 = "Please Note: Database versions are listed in chronological order. " & _ "Use the scroll bar to view information that extends beyond the end of the text box. " & _ vbCrLf & vbCrLf ' Get records rstMyRecordset.MoveFirst Do While rstMyRecordset.EOF = False strBuild01 = strBuild01 & _ "Version: " & Nz(rstMyRecordset.Fields(1).Value, "") & vbCrLf & _ Nz(rstMyRecordset.Fields(2).Value, "") & vbCrLf & _ Nz(rstMyRecordset.Fields(3).Value, "") & vbCrLf & _ Nz(rstMyRecordset.Fields(4).Value, "") & vbCrLf & _ vbCrLf & "******* Please Note *******" & vbCrLf rstMyRecordset.MoveNext Loop strBuild02 = vbCrLf & _ "The version number has three numbers separated by decimal points and, " & _ "potentially, a trailing alphanumeric character (for example 1.0.0.a). " & _ "From left to right the numbers designate major revisions, minor revisions, and bug fixes. " & _ "The alphanumeric character(s) designate versions with additional datasets. " & _ "Each of the components may have multiple digits (for example Version 1.1.10.zz)." Else ' Get last version information strBuild01 = "Version: " & Nz(rstMyRecordset.Fields(1).Value, "") strBuild02 = vbCrLf & Nz(rstMyRecordset.Fields(2).Value, "") & vbCrLf & _ Nz(rstMyRecordset.Fields(3).Value, "") & vbCrLf & _ Nz(rstMyRecordset.Fields(4).Value, "") & vbCrLf End If Else ' There is no version Information strBuild01 = "Version 1.0.0" strBuild02 = "September 2011" End If If inttoggle <> 0 Then fnGetMyVersion = strBuild01 & " " & strBuild02 Else fnGetMyVersion = strBuild01 End If ' Clean up recordset If rstMyRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function Version_Err: fnGetMyVersion = "Version 1.0.0" Exit Function End Function Public Function strExplanation(lngExplanationNumber As Long) As String ' ' Purpose: ' To get the information from tblExplanationMemo based on the explanation number (lngExplanation_ID) ' ' History: ' Version 1.0 Nov 19 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' Dim strSQL As String ' Query text Dim rstExplanationRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim intOutErr As Integer On Error GoTo Function_Err: ' exit gracefully if there is an error intOutErr = 0 ' set query string to get form parameters strSQL = "SELECT tblExplanationMemo.lngExplanation_ID, tblExplanationMemo.mExplanation " & _ "FROM tblExplanationMemo " & _ "WHERE (((tblExplanationMemo.lngExplanation_ID)=" & lngExplanationNumber & "));" 'Reference the ADO Recordset Set rstExplanationRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Populate Recordset rstExplanationRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly strExplanation = rstExplanationRecordset.Fields("mExplanation").Value CleanUpRecordSet: ' clear recordset free memory If rstExplanationRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstExplanationRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstExplanationRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function Function_Err: strExplanation = "Error: record number " & lngExplanationNumber & _ " in table tblExplanationMemo is not properly specified." intOutErr = intOutErr + 1 If intOutErr < 2 Then GoTo CleanUpRecordSet: Exit Function End Function Public Function fnGetRegionID(intWhatRegion As Integer, lngMyInputProject As Long, dMyInputLong As Double, dMyInputLat As Double) As Long ' ' Purpose: ' To see if there is a rain zone (0) or ecoregion (1) and return the rain zone number (or -9999 if not) ' Using project number and location ' ' intWhatRegion 0 = Rain Zone 1 = ecoregion ' lngMyInputProject project of interest ' dMyInputLat input latitude ' dMyInputLong input longitude ' ' History: ' Version 1.0 Aug 5 2008 by Gregory E. Granato ' Version 2.0 Aug 2010 By Gregory E. Granato generalized to rainzone or ecoregion changed from GetRainZoneID to fnGetRegionID ' Dim strSQL As String ' Query String Dim rstMyRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim bHasdata As Boolean ' test data On Error GoTo fnGetRegionID_Err: If intWhatRegion = 0 Then strSQL = "SELECT tblRainZones.RainZone_ID " & _ "FROM tblGISGrid INNER JOIN (((tdxRainZoneGroup INNER JOIN tblProject ON " & _ "tdxRainZoneGroup.RainZoneGroup_ID = tblProject.RainZoneGroup_ID) INNER JOIN tblRainZones ON " & _ "tdxRainZoneGroup.RainZoneGroup_ID = tblRainZones.RainZoneGroup_ID) INNER JOIN tasGISGridRainZone ON " & _ "tblRainZones.RainZone_ID = tasGISGridRainZone.RainZone_ID) ON " & _ "tblGISGrid.GISGridCell_ID = tasGISGridRainZone.GISGridCell_ID " & _ "WHERE (((tblProject.Project_ID)=" & lngMyInputProject & ") AND " & _ "((tblGISGrid.dLeftLongitude)<=" & dMyInputLong & ") AND " & _ "((tblGISGrid.dRightLongitude)>" & dMyInputLong & ") AND " & _ "((tblGISGrid.dTopLatitude)>" & dMyInputLat & ") AND " & _ "((tblGISGrid.dBottomLatitude)<=" & dMyInputLat & "));" Else strSQL = "SELECT tblEcoregion.Ecoregion_ID " & _ "FROM (tdxEcoregionGroup INNER JOIN (tblEcoregion INNER JOIN " & _ "(tblGISGrid INNER JOIN tasGISGridEcoregion ON tblGISGrid.GISGridCell_ID = tasGISGridEcoregion.GISGridCell_ID) ON " & _ "tblEcoregion.Ecoregion_ID = tasGISGridEcoregion.Ecoregion_ID) ON " & _ "tdxEcoregionGroup.EcoregionGroup_ID = tblEcoregion.EcoregionGroup_ID) INNER JOIN " & _ "tblProject ON tdxEcoregionGroup.EcoregionGroup_ID = tblProject.EcoregionGroup_ID " & _ "WHERE (((tblProject.Project_ID)=" & lngMyInputProject & ") AND " & _ "((tblGISGrid.dLeftLongitude)<=" & dMyInputLong & ") AND " & _ "((tblGISGrid.dRightLongitude)>" & dMyInputLong & ") AND " & _ "((tblGISGrid.dTopLatitude)>" & dMyInputLat & ") AND " & _ "((tblGISGrid.dBottomLatitude)<=" & dMyInputLat & "));" End If 'Reference an ADO Recordset Set rstMyRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset 'Populate Recordset rstMyRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic ' Check values bHasdata = False If rstMyRecordset.BOF And rstMyRecordset.EOF Then ' There are no records bHasdata = False ElseIf IsNull(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then If IsEmpty(rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then bHasdata = True ' There are station stats in an/the analysis End If If bHasdata = True Then fnGetRegionID = rstMyRecordset.Fields(0).Value Else fnGetRegionID = -9999 End If ' Clean up recordset If rstMyRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function fnGetRegionID_Err: fnGetRegionID = -9999 Exit Function End Function Public Function bCheckQWOutTable() As Boolean ' ' Purpose: ' To determine if an analysis has been run and output tables are full ' ' History: ' Version 1.0 Sept 2 2011 by Gregory E. Granato ' ' Arguments Dim strSQL As String Dim rstMyQWRecordset As ADODB.Recordset ' recordset Dim bHasdata As Boolean Dim intOutErr As Integer Dim lngCount As Long On Error GoTo bCheckQWOutTable_Err: intOutErr = 0 'Reference an ADO Recordset Set rstMyQWRecordset = New ADODB.Recordset strSQL = "SELECT Count(tblOutputStormEvent.lngStormNumber) AS CountOflngStormNumber " & _ "FROM tblOutputStormEvent;" rstMyQWRecordset.Open strSQL, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly ' Check values bHasdata = False If rstMyQWRecordset.BOF And rstMyQWRecordset.EOF Then ' There is no data for this analysis bHasdata = False ElseIf IsNull(rstMyQWRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then If IsEmpty(rstMyQWRecordset.Fields(0).Value) = False Then bHasdata = True ' There is no data for this analysis End If If bHasdata Then bCheckQWOutTable = bHasdata Else lngCount = rstMyQWRecordset.Fields(0).Value If lngCount = 0 Then bCheckQWOutTable = False Else bCheckQWOutTable = True End If End If CleanUp: If rstMyQWRecordset.State = adStateOpen Then rstMyQWRecordset.Close 'IF Recordset is open, close it Set rstMyQWRecordset = Nothing 'Free memory Exit Function bCheckQWOutTable_Err: bCheckQWOutTable = False intOutErr = intOutErr + 1 If intOutErr < 2 Then Resume CleanUp: Exit Function End Function Public Sub DoMyStatusBar(InText As String) ' ' Purpose to send a message to the access status bar ' ' Version 1.0 09/02/2011 by Gregory Granato ' Dim varDoIt As Variant On Error GoTo DoMyStatusBar_Err: varDoIt = SysCmd(acSysCmdSetStatus, InText) DoMyStatusBar_Err: Exit Sub End Sub Public Function fnCheckMyBeta(intWhat As Integer) As Boolean ' ' Purpose to check the Beta-test status ' ' History: Created April 29 2009 by Gregory E. Granato ' Updated for SELDM with new selections July 19, 2012 by GEG ' ' IntWhat 0 = Don't check 1 = Invisible 2 = short, ' 3 = long, and 4 = interactive ' Arguments Dim strMsgBox As String ' MessageBox string Dim intMsgBox As Integer Dim strMyAnalysisType As String Dim dtMyDate As Date fnCheckMyBeta = False '************Note: 2099*********** change if update ' ******** This is the drop dead date for this version ******* dtMyDate = CDate("02/12/2099 23:59") ' ******** This is the drop dead date for this version ******* Select Case intWhat Case 0 fnCheckMyBeta = True 'OK Exit Function Case 1 If dtMyDate >= Now() Then fnCheckMyBeta = True 'OK Exit Function Else fnCheckMyBeta = False ' Not OK DoCmd.Quit Exit Function End If Case 2 If dtMyDate >= Now() Then fnCheckMyBeta = True 'OK Exit Function Else strMsgBox = "This Beta-Test Version has expired!!!" & vbCrLf MsgBox strMsgBox, vbCritical, "Beta Test Expiration Notice:" fnCheckMyBeta = False ' Not OK DoCmd.Quit Exit Function End If Case 3 strMsgBox = "This is the SELDM Beta-Test File version ** 4.5.0 **" & vbCrLf & _ "To ensure that multiple, incomplete-versions of SELDM do not remain in circulation" & vbCrLf & _ "an expiration date of " & dtMyDate & " has been set." & vbCrLf & _ "To get the most up-to-date version please visit the web site" & vbCrLf & _ "" & vbCrLf If dtMyDate >= Now() Then MsgBox strMsgBox, vbInformation, "Beta Test Notice:" fnCheckMyBeta = True 'OK Else strMsgBox = strMsgBox & vbCrLf & "This Beta-Test Version has expired!!!" MsgBox strMsgBox, vbCritical, "Beta Test Expiration Notice:" fnCheckMyBeta = False ' Not OK DoCmd.Quit End If Case 4 ' Interactive strMsgBox = "This is the SELDM Beta-Test File version ** 4.5.0 **" & vbCrLf & _ " 10/22/2012" & vbCrLf & _ "Do not use this software unless you are a certified SELDM Beta Tester." & vbCrLf & _ "To ensure that multiple, incomplete-versions of SELDM do not remain in circulation" & vbCrLf & _ "an expiration date of " & dtMyDate & " has been set." & vbCrLf & _ "To get the most up-to-date version please visit the web site" & vbCrLf & _ "" & vbCrLf If dtMyDate < Now() Then strMsgBox = strMsgBox & vbCrLf & "This Beta-Test Version has expired!!!" & vbCrLf MsgBox strMsgBox, vbCritical, "Beta Test Expiration Notice:" fnCheckMyBeta = False ' Not OK DoCmd.Quit Else strMsgBox = strMsgBox & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "I certify that I am an approved Beta Tester." & vbCrLf intMsgBox = MsgBox(strMsgBox, vbYesNo, "Beta Test Notice:") If intMsgBox = 6 Then fnCheckMyBeta = True 'OK Else fnCheckMyBeta = False ' Not OK DoCmd.Quit End If End If End Select Exit Function End Function