dMODELS 1.0 - released June 13, 2013 dMODELS is a MATLAB software package for the most common models used to interpret deformation measurements near faults and active volcanic centers. The emphasis is on analytical models of deformation that can be compared with data from the Global Positioning System (GPS), InSAR, tiltmeters and strainmeters. Source models include pressurized spherical, ellipsoidal and sill-like magma chambers in an elastic, homogeneous,flat half-space. Dikes and faults are described following the mathematical notation for rectangular dislocations in an elastic, homogeneous, flat half-space. The software package includes all the functions needed to develop models for seismic and volcano deformation. For example, all the Okada (1992) models for surface and internal deformation due to tensile and shear faults are available as Matlab functions. These release includes inversion scripts for GPS and tilt measurements, future plans include the release of inversion scripts for InSAR, inclusion of the effect of topography and much more. Comments and suggestions to improve the software would be really welcome. The MATLAB scripts are open source and intended for teaching and research. If any of the scripts are used in research submitted for publication, we ask only that authors cite the USGS Techiques and Methods report (Battaglia et al., 2013b) and the JVGR paper (Battaglia et al., 2013a): Battaglia, M., Cervelli, P.F., Murray, J.R., 2013a.dMODELS: A MATLAB software package for modeling crustal deformation near active faults and volcanic centers. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 254, 1–4. Battaglia, M., Cervelli, P.F., Murray-Muraleda, J.R., 2013b. Modeling crustal deformation—A catalog of deformation models and modeling approaches. U.S. Geological Survey Techniques and Methods, book 13, chap. B1, 96 p. ================================================================================ MATLAB A_Matlab_functions Matlab scripts for all models described in Battaglia et al (2013b) B_Inverse_Modeling Inverse modeling of GPS data (sphere, spheroid, sill) Inverse modeling of tilt data (sphere, vertical spheroid) LINUX Compressed tar files (-cjf) of A_Matlab_functions and B_Inverse_Modeling Inversion scripts compiled for linux 64bit. Matlab 2012b, MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) v. 8.0 WIN7 Inversion scripts compiled for Windows 7 32bit & 64bit Matlab 2013a, MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) v. 8.1 Important!!! You must install first the free MATLAB Compiler Runtime (MCR) to run the compiled scripts: