The SWI2 Package is the latest release of the Seawater
Intrusion (SWI) Package for MODFLOW. The SWI2 Package
allows three-dimensional vertically integrated variable-density
groundwater flow and seawater intrusion in coastal multiaquifer
systems to be simulated using MODFLOW-2005. Vertically
integrated variable-density groundwater flow is based on
the Dupuit approximation in which an aquifer is vertically discretized
into zones of differing densities, separated from each
other by defined surfaces representing interfaces or density
isosurfaces. The numerical approach used in the SWI2 Package
does not account for diffusion and dispersion and should
not be used where these processes are important. The resulting
differential equations are equivalent in form to the groundwater
flow equation for uniform-density flow. The approach
implemented in the SWI2 Package allows density effects to be
incorporated into MODFLOW-2005 through the addition of
pseudo-source terms to the groundwater flow equation without
the need to solve a separate advective-dispersive transport
equation. Vertical and horizontal movement of defined density
surfaces is calculated separately using a combination of fluxes
calculated through solution of the groundwater flow equation
and a simple tip and toe tracking algorithm.
Use of the SWI2 Package in MODFLOW-2005 only
requires the addition of a single additional input file and modification
of boundary heads to freshwater heads referenced to
the top of the aquifer. Fluid density within model layers can be
represented using zones of constant density (stratified flow) or
continuously varying density (piecewise linear in the vertical
direction) in the SWI2 Package. The main advantage of using
the SWI2 Package instead of variable-density groundwater
flow and dispersive solute transport codes, such as SEAWAT
and SUTRA, is that fewer model cells are required for
simulations using the SWI2 Package because every aquifer
can be represented by a single layer of cells. This reduction in
number of required model cells and the elimination of the need
to solve the advective-dispersive transport equation results in substantial model run-time savings, which can be large for
regional aquifers. The accuracy and use of the SWI2 Package
is demonstrated through comparison with existing exact solutions
and numerical solutions with SEAWAT. Results for an
unconfined aquifer are also presented to demonstrate application
of the SWI2 Package to a large-scale regional problem.
First posted August 9, 2013
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