Coal Resource Recoverability
A Methodology
By Timothy J. Rohrbacher, Dale D. Teeters, Gerald L.
Sullivan, and Lee M. Osmonson
U.S. Bureau of Mines Circular 9368
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- Study area location
- Matewan quadrangle coal stratigraphy
- Linear regression analysis
- Typical feasibility-type mine plan
- Matewan quadrangle haulage zones
- Resource distribution within a Matewan quadrangle coal seam
- Contour strip-minable coal for the seam in figure 6
- Land use restrictions in the Matewan quadrangle
- Contour strip-minable coal 12 in to 36 in thick
- Contour strip-minable coal greater than 36 in thick
- Contour strip-minable coal and transportation zones
- Deep mining (continuous miner) areas in a Matewan quadrangle coal
- Deep mining (continuous miner) areas and transportation zones
- Longwall mining areas in a Matewan quadrangle coal seam
- Longwall mining areas and transportation zones
- All mining types in a Matewan quadrangle coal seam
- USGS/USBM coal resource programs-Matewan quadrangle results chart
- Comparisons between USBM and USGS-KGS coal availability
(minability) restrictions
- Coal seam resources, restrictions, and process losses
- Mining restrictions-land use, technical, and barrier-restricted
- Factors influencing mine productivity
- Surface production rates by mining method
- Deep mine production rates by mining method
- Haulage distance one way and assigned cost by zone
- Contour strip-recoverable resources and cost ranges
- Continuous miner-recoverable resources and cost ranges
- Longwall-recoverable resources and cost ranges
- Auger-recoverable resources and cost ranges
- Recoverable resources-one seam summary
- Equipment-contour strip (two loader spreads)
- Equipment-continuous miner (two production units)
- Equipment-longwall
- Equipment-auger (twin head)
- Standard costing model (example)
- Economically recoverable compliance resources
bank cubic yard lb pound |
Btu |
British thermal unit M million |
cfs |
cubic foot per second MBtu million British thermal unit |
ft |
foot |
% |
percent |
in |
inch |
lb |
pound |
M |
million |
MBtu |
million Briish hthermal unit |
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