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Coal Resource Recoverability
A Methodology

U.S. Bureau of Mines Circular 9368


1. U.S. Bureau of Mines. The Reserve Base of Bituminous Coal and Anthracite for Underground Mining in the Eastern United States. BuMines IC 9655, 1974, 428 pp.

2. ____. Strippable Reserves of Bituminous Coal and Lignite in the United States. BuMines IC 8531, 1971, 148 pp.

3. llomson, R. D., and H. F. YorL The Reserve Base of U.S. Coals by Sulfur Content. BuMines IC 8680, 1975, 537 pp.

4. Matson, T. K, and D. H. White, Jr. Ihe Reserve Base of Coal for Underground Mining in the Western United States. BuMines IC 8678, 1975, 238 pp.

5. Sprouls, M. W. Longwall Census '88. Coal, Feb. 1988, pp. 65-77.

6. ____. Longwall Census '87. Coal, Feb. 1987, pp. 26-41.

7. ____. Rend Lake Banks On Longwalls. Coal, Apr. 1989, pp. 88-90.

8. ____. Longwall Census '89. Coal, Feb. 1989, pp. 33-43.

9. Combs, T. H., Longwall Productivity Continues Upward Trend, Jumps 30 Percent in Year's Time. Coal, Aug. 1988, pp. 40-41.

10. ____. I-ongwati Productivity Had Its Ups and Downs in '86, but Overall Results Show a 13 Percent Boost. Coal Age, Aug. 1987, pp. 56-57.

11. Katell, S., and R L Hemmingway. Basic Estimated Capital Investment and Operating Costs for Coal Strip Mines. BuMines IC 8661, 1974, 31 pp.

12. Stefanko, R. Coal Mining Technology Theory and Practice. Society of Mining Engineers, 1983, 410 pp.

13. Avr-ritt, P. Coal Resources of the United States, January 1, 1974. U.& Geol. Surv. Bull. 1412, 1975, 131 pp.

14. Energy Information Administration. Estimation of U.S. Coal Reserves by Coal Type: Heat and Sulfur Content. DOE/EIA-0529, Oct. 1989, 57 pp.

15. Eggleston, J. R., M. D. Carter, and J. C- Cobb. Coal Resources Available for Development-A Methodology and Pilot Study. U.S. Geol. Surv. Circ. 1055, 1990, 15 pp.

16. Carter, M. D., and N. K Gardner. An Assessment of Coal Resources Available for Development. U.S. Geol. Surv. OFR 89-362, 1989, 53 pp.

17. Wood, G. H., Jr., T. M. Kehn, M. D. Carter, and W. C- Culbertson. Coal Resource Classification System of the U.S. Geological Survey. U.S. Geol. Surv. Circ. 891, 1993, 65 pp.

18. Lowrie, R- L Recovezy Percentage of Bituminous Coal Deposits in the United States (In Two Parts)-Part 1: Undergmund MineL BuMines RI 7109, 1968, 19 pp.

19. Secor, I- S., G. M. Larwood, A- B. Gupta, and A. & I=. Coal Recovezy From Bituminous Coal Surface Mines in the Eastern United States, A Survey. BuMines IC 8738, 1977, 14 pp.

20. Seiner, G. I., and R- B. Taylor. GSMAP and GSDRAW System, Version 6.0. U.S. Geol. Surv. OFR 89-373A, Documentation and Tutorial, and OFR 89-373B, Executable Program Disks, 1989.

21. Plis, M. N., T. J. Rohrbacher, and D. D. Tcctezs. COALVAL-A Prefeasibility Software Package for Evaluating Coal Properties Using Lotus 1-2-3, Release 2.2. BuMines IC 9348, 1993, 93 pp.

22. Cohen, S. L Coalfield Salary Survey. Coal, Au& 1989, pp. 38-42.

23. Cobb, J. C-, J. C- Currey and H. G. Enoch. Compliance Coal Resources in Kentucky. K-Y Geol. Surv. Inf. Circ. 9, 1982, 52 pp.


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