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Water-Data Report AZ-04-1—ONLINE ONLY

Water Resources Data Arizona Water Year 2004

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Prepared in cooperation with the
State of Arizona and with other agencies

By G.G. Fisk, N.R. Duet, E.H. McGuire, C.E. Angeroth, N.K. Castillo, and C.F. Smith


The USGS Arizona Water Science Center water data report includes records on both surface water and ground water in the State for water year 2004. Specifically, it contains: (1) Discharge records for 206 streamflow-gaging stations and 21 crest-stage, partial-record streamflow stations; (2) stage and (or) content records for 8 lakes and reservoirs; (3) water-quality records for 20 streamflow-gaging stations; (4) ground-water levels and compaction values for 14 stations; and (5) water levels for 18 wells.


Report documentation page
List of surface-water stations, in downstream order, by which records are published
List of discontinued surface-water-discharge stations
List of discontinued surface-water-quality stations
Summary of hydrologic conditions
Downstream order and station number
Numbering system for wells and miscellaneous sites
Special networks and programs
Explanation of stage- and water-discharge records
Explanation of precipitation records
Explanation of water-quality records
Surface-water-quality records
Ground-water levels and compaction values
Explanation of ground-water level records
Access to USGS water data
Hydrologic-data station records
Peak-discharge and stage at continuous-record discharge stations
Ground-water levels and compaction values
Ground-water areas and abbreviations
Water levels in selected wells in ground-water areas in Arizona

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