#ReachSampleID SUID OrigSUID STAID Reach ReachCollectionDate SampleType ReviewStatus REFLOC Collector HABQUAL REACHCOM STAGE STAGEMD DISCH DISCHMD CHMOD REACHLEN TRANDIS USRCHEND DSRCHEND USBMBK DSBMBK USBMDESC DSBMDESC RCHGRAD THGRAD RCHGRAMD STRMTYP Comments InsertDate UpdateDate 21274 UIRB UIRB 05536355 A 7/13/2000 8:00 REACH R ds side of bridge at Dixie HWY "Stewart, Jana S., Tegt, Sarah, Fuller, Janice A." Excellent stream falling after storm event- turbid 2.57 Wading Rod Lightly affected 150 15 7 157 Left "end of rock wall, 7 meters DS of Dixie Hwy." 157 meters DS of Dixie Hwy. stream falling after storm event- turbid 8/1/2000 17:24 6/25/2003 17:06