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05568830       SPOON RIVER AT ELMORE, IL.


LOCATION.-- Lat 40°57'25", long 89°58'34" (NAD of 1927), in sec.7, T.11 N, R.5 E, Peoria County, Hydrologic Unit 07130005. Located at CR6, 0.1 miles east of Elmore.


DRAINAGE AREA.-- 432 mi2





ALGAE: Water year 1997.




REMARKS.--Station established as a low-flow water-quality sampling site in August 1997 as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA), Lower Illinois River Basin synoptic study.


REMARKS FOR CURRENT YEAR.--Algae community samples were collected as part of the National Water-Quality Assessment program (NAWQA) in the lower Illinois River Basin. A quantitative sample was collected in accordance with NAWQA protocols (Cuffney and others, 1993). Reach A begins upstream of the SR 78 bridge and continues upstream for 102 meters.

PERIPHYTON ALGAE, QUANTITATIVE, RTH (Richest-targeted habitat, cobbles or snags)
[sp., species; Chlorophyta, Green algae; Cyanophyta, Blue-green algae; Chrysophyta, Golden algae, for example diatoms; Cryptophyta, Cryptophytes; Euglenophyta, Euglenoids; Pyrrhophyta, Dinoflagellates; Rhodophyta, Red algae]

Quantitative sample

Reach A

Chlorella vulgaris Beyerinck 41783.1454 8289576.136
Coelastrum microporum Nägeli 95504.33234 8380450.793
Unknown Chlorophyte unicellular ellipsoid huge sp. 0A NAWQA EDJ 5969.02077 15001989.65
Amphora montana Krasske 2493.38533 536162.1611
Amphora pediculus (Kützing) Grunow 16207.01954 1525469.792
Caloneis bacillum (Grunow) Cleve 1246.68968 535811.9914
Cocconeis placentula var. euglypta (Ehrenberg) Cleve 1246.68968 860272.4709
Cocconeis placentula var. lineata (Ehrenberg) Van Heurck 10596.89808 11579608.17
Cyclotella atomus Hustedt 1246.68968 104567.9968
Cyclotella meneghiniana Kützing 144616.528 124964432.2
Cymbella affinis Kützing 2493.38533 1477405.656
Gomphonema minutum (Agardh) Agardh 2493.38533 830627.2434
Gomphonema olivaceum (Lyngbye) Kützing 623.34484 243516.571
Gomphonema parvulum (Kützing) Kützing 1246.68968 271116.2937
Gyrosigma acuminatum (Kützing) Rabenhorst 2493.38533 17506031.93
Gyrosigma scalproides (Rabenhorst) Cleve 3740.08097 5480253.479
Mayamaea atomus (Kützing) Lange-Bertalot 6233.4663 174813.8918
Melosira varians Agardh 623.34484 3163132.246
Navicula arvensis Hustedt 1246.68968 92741.57628
Navicula capitatoradiata Germain 1246.68968 720265.4565
Navicula cryptotenella Lange-Bertalot ex Krammer et Lange-Bertalot 18077.06599 4776152.385
Navicula erifuga Lange-Bertalot 7480.16195 3278171.637
Navicula exilis Kützing 1246.68968 444032.9263
Navicula festiva Krasske 1246.68968 223038.8452
Navicula germainii Wallace 30544.00456 20160962.52
Navicula gregaria Donkin 6233.4663 1738783.961
Navicula lanceolata (Agardh) Ehrenberg 1246.68968 1570112.533
Navicula meniscus Schumann 1246.68968 2085003.626
Navicula minima Grunow 7480.16195 299839.6725
Navicula recens Lange-Bertalot 4986.77662 2546066.362
Navicula reichardtiana Lange-Bertalot 1246.68968 162736.217
Navicula rostellata Kützing 1246.68968 1105055.527
Navicula subminuscula Manguin 7480.16195 544708.0636
Navicula tenelloides Hustedt 1246.68968 206204.9741
Nitzschia acicularis (Kützing) Smith 1870.04049 349811.695
Nitzschia amphibia Grunow 623.34484 116150.2791
Nitzschia dissipata (Kützing) Grunow 1246.68968 316940.0205
Nitzschia frustulum (Kützing) Grunow 3116.73016 153483.8423
Nitzschia inconspicua Grunow 18700.41083 1040243.877
Nitzschia palea (Kützing) Smith 13713.63421 4152950.985
Nitzschia palea var. debilis (Kützing) Grunow 8726.85759 1487950.03
Reimeria sinuata (Gregory) Kociolek et Stoermer 1246.68968 206069.3937
Rhoicosphenia abbreviata (Agardh) Lange-Bertalot 5610.12146 2860289.533
Sellaphora seminulum (Grunow) Mann 1246.68968 92310.76842
Simonsenia delognei (Grunow) Lange-Bertalot 38647.51731 2167969.648
Stauroneis agrestis Petersen 623.34484 479936.9037
Surirella ovalis Brébisson 3740.08097 73066752.72
Thalassiosira weissflogii (Grunow) Fryxell et Hasle 2493.38533 2223531.255
Tryblionella apiculata Gregory 1246.68968 3042765.82
Oscillatoria laete-virens var. minimus Biswas. 489459.7032 4028608.216
Phormidium granulatum 191008.6647 6927326.548
Unknown Rhodophyte Florideophycidae (chantransia) 316358.1009 643349398.9

Table of Contents


Station Descriptions

Surface-Water Data

Ground-Water Data

Meteorological Data

Biological Data