Column Explanations for Periphyton Quantitative Data

File type: Sample Description

Column Name    Column Description
SampleID Sample ID - an arbitrary, unique integer used to identify the sample
SUID Four-letter abbreviation for NAWQA study unit
OrigSUID Original four-letter abbreviation for NAWQA study unit
CollectionYear Calendar year when sample was collected
STAID USGS station id number
StationName USGS station name
Reach  Reach name
LocNum Number of sample location
CollectionDate Date and time when sample collection began
SampleMediumCode Code for sampling medium
SampleType Sample category or type (RTH, quantitative; QMH, qualitative)
Collector Person or persons responsible for collecting the sample
ReplicateFlag Replicate flag-indicates whether sample is a repeated-sampling replicate (Y) of a primary environmental sample (N)
ReviewStatus Study unit data review status for the sample
PrgmProjCode Program code
AreaSampTot Total area sampled for invertebrate sample, square centimeters
RSAAlgaeFlg Related Sampling Activity, Algae Survey Flag
RSAChemFlg Related Sampling Activity, Water Chemistry Flag
RSADischargFlg Related Sampling Activity, Discharge Flag
RSAHabFlg Related Sampling Activity, Habitat Survey Flag
RSATissFlg Related Sampling Activity, Tissues Flag
RSAInvertFlg Related Sampling Activity, Invertebrate Survey Flag
RSAFishFlg Related Sampling Activity, Fish Survey Flag
RSABedSedFlg Related Sampling Activity, Bed Sediment Flag
RSAOther Related Sampling Activity, Other Sample Activity
CloudCover Cloud coverage, percent
WindIntensity Wind Description, text
PrecipDescrip Precipitation description, text
PrecipIntensity Precipitation intensity, text
OtherSiteCond Other site conditions, text
QWTime1 Time when observation or measurement was taken
WaterTemp1 Temperature, water, unfiltered, degrees centigrade
WaterPH1 pH, water, unfiltered, field, standard units
WaterDO1 Dissolved Oxygen - measurement taken for first set of field water-quality measurements.  Milligrams per liter.
SpecConductance1 Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, 25 deg c, field, microsiemens per centimeter
QWTime2 Time when observation or measurement was taken
WaterTemp2 Temperature, water, unfiltered, degrees centigrade
WaterPH2 ph, water, unfiltered, field, standard units
WaterDO2 Dissolved Oxygen - measurement taken for second set of field water-quality measurements.  Milligrams per liter.
SpecConductance2 Specific conductance, water, unfiltered, 25 deg c, field, microsiemens per centimeter
Discharge Discharge - instantaneous discharge in cubic feet per second
Stage Stage, stream, feet
RiparianShading Riparian shading description, text
WaterClarity Water clarity description, text
WaterColor Water Color, text
PhysSiteCondNotes Notes about physical conditions at site when sample was collected
MeshSize Sampler mesh size, microsiemens
TotSampVol Total Sample Volume, before any subsamples are removed or preservative is added
PhotoSampComments Photo documentation comments
InsertDate Date and time when record for sample was inserted in Sample table
UpdateDate Date and time record in table was last updated

File type: Sample Bottle Description

Column Name Column Description
BottleID Bottle or filter identification number.  An arbitrary, unique integer that identifies the bottle or subsample
SampleID Sample ID - a unique integer used to identify the composite (multi-bottle) algae or invertebrate sample
SMCOD NAWQA sample identification code
SUID Four-letter abbreviation for NAWQA study unit
STAID USGS station id number
Reach Reach name 
CollectionDate Date and time when sample collection began
NWISTime Time recorded in NWIS system for sample or data
SampleMediumCode Code for sampling medium
SampleType Sample Category or type
SampleAnalysisPlan Where the sample will be analyzed
SampleComponent Sample component, full text
SampleAnalysisType Code for type of analysis requested or planned
SplitFlag Flag to indicate analytical subsample splits of algae sample component
SplitRatio Field-splitting ratio for invertebrate samples
SampleVol Volume of algae sample or subsample before any preservative is added, milliliters
PreservativeVol Volume of preservative added to sample, milliliters
PreservativeType Type of preservative
DecantBeforeVol Volume before sample is decanted to reduce volume shipped to lab, milliliters
DecantAfterVol Volume remaining after sample is decanted in order to reduce volume shipped to lab, milliliters
ASRDate Date and time when electronic Analytical Services Request (ASR) was generated
PrgmProjCode Program code
Collector Person or persons responsible for collecting the sample
InsertDate Date and time when record for bottle or subsample was inserted in Sample table
UpdateDate Date and time record in table was last updated

File type: Sample Data

Column Name Column Description
BottleID Bottle or filter identification number.  An arbitrary, unique integer that identifies the bottle or subsample
SampleID Sample ID - an arbitrary, unique integer used to identify the sample
SMCOD NAWQA sample identification code
STAID USGS station id number 
Reach Reach name
Group Code indicating diatom (D) or non-diatom (N) algal taxon
AlgaeGroup Membership of taxon within a major algal group: (e.g. diatoms, red algae, green algae, etc.)
Phylum Taxonomic Phylum
Family Taxonomic Family
Genus Taxonomic Genus
Species Taxonomic Species
Variety Taxonomic Variety
TaxonAuthority Taxonomic authority
ScientificName Scientific name of taxon
Quantity Number of individuals counted on a particular slide prepared for a particular sample
Cells_cm2 Number of cells per centimeter squared
Cells_mL Number of cells per millileter
Biovolume_cm2 Biovolume per centimeter squared
Biovolume_mL Biovolume per millileter
NADEDID Identification code for the North American Diatom Ecological Database
ShortName 8-character code for taxon for use in CANOCO
SampleProcessingStatusText ANSP sample-processing status of sample

Table of Contents


Station Descriptions

Surface-Water Data

Ground-Water Data

Meteorological Data

Biological Data