Column Explanations for Habitat Segment Data

File type: Segment

Column Name    Column Description
SegmentSampleID Segment Sample ID - a unique integer that identifies the segment data sample
SUID Four-letter abbreviation for NAWQA study unit
OrigSUID Original four-letter abbreviation for NAWQA study unit
STAID USGS station id number
Reach  Reach name
CollectionDate Date and time when sample collection began
SampleType Sample type 
Collector Person or persons responsible for collecting the sample
ReviewStatus Study unit review status 
RF3SegCode Segment Code
USLAT Upstream boundary latitude coordinate, dms with no spaces
USLONG Upstream boundary longitude coordinate, dms with no spaces
DSLAT Downstream Latitude - latitude of downstream boundary of the stream segment in degrees, minutes, seconds with no spaces between
DSLONG Downstream Longitude - longitude of downstream boundary of stream segment in degrees, minutes, seconds with no spaces between them.
LOCMD Segment Boundary Location Method, text
SEGLENG Segment (valley) length, km
SEGLENMD Segment (valley) length, method, text
USDIST97 Curvilinear distance from reference location to upstream boundary of the stream segment, km
DSDIST97 Curvilinear distance from the reference location to the downstream boundary of the stream segment, km
SEGCUR Segment channel length, km
SEGCURMD Curvilinear Channel Length Method, text
USELEV Elevation at upstream end, meters ab. NGVD
DSELEV Elevation at downstream end of stream segment, meters ab. NGVD
SELEVMD Elevation measurement method, text
SINUOS Sinuosity, dimensionless
SEGGRAD Segment gradient, dimensionless
ORDER Strahler stream order, text
ORDERMD Strahler stream order, method, text
LINK Shreve stream order
LINKMD Link Method - method used to determine Shreve stream order
DSTRLINK Downstream Link number - downstream link number for stream segment
DSLINKMD Downstream Link Number Method - method used to determine downstream link of segment 
SIDEGRAD Segment sideslope gradient, dimensionless
SEGCOM Segment Comment - remarks about Segment habitat data
GRADMD Gradient Method - method used to measure stream gradient
InsertDate Date and time when record for Segment sample was inserted in Sample table
UpdateDate Date and time when record in Sample table for Segment sample was last updated

Table of Contents


Station Descriptions

Surface-Water Data

Ground-Water Data

Meteorological Data

Biological Data