USGS Ohio Water Resources Data, Water Year 2005

Prepared in cooperation with the State of Ohio and with other agencies

by J.P. Mangus and S.R. Frum



Water-resources data for the 2005 water year for Ohio consist of records of stage, discharge, and water quality of streams; stage and contents of lakes and reservoirs; and water levels and water quality of ground-water wells. This report, in two volumes, contains records for water discharge at 142 gaging stations and various partial-record sites; water levels at 321 observation wells and 38 crest-stage gages; and water quality at 18 gaging stations, 38 observation wells, and various partial-record sites. Also included are data from miscellaneous and synoptic sites. Additional water data were collected at various sites not involved in the systematic data-collection program and are published as miscellaneous measurements and analyses. These data represent that part of the National Water Information System collected by the U.S. Geological Survey and cooperating Federal, State, and local agencies in Ohio.

To view or print the PDF files, you will need Adobe  Adobe Acrobat Reader®, version 4.0 or higher. The reports also are available on CD-ROM, and a copy may be obtained by contacting the  Information Officer, (614) 430-7700.

Volume 1. Ohio River Basin Excluding Project Data
Water-Data Report OH-05-1



Cover Water-Data Report OH-05-1



Volume 2. St. Lawrence River Basin and Statewide Project Data
Water-Data Report OH-05-2



Cover Water-Data Report OH-05-2


Volume 1. CONTENTS:

Preface     iii
Contents     v
     List of surface-water stations, in downstream order, for which records are published     vii
     List of ground-water stations for which records are published     x
     List of discontinued surface-water-discharge stations     xix
     List of discontinued surface-water-quality stations     xxiv
Introduction     1
     Cooperation     1
     Summary of hydrologic conditions     2
     Downstream order and station number     11
     Numbering system for wells and miscellaneous sites     11
     Special networks and programs     11
     Explanation of stage- and water-discharge records     12
     Explanation of precipitation records     16
     Explanation of water-quality records     17
     Surface-water-quality records     17
     Explanation of ground-water-level records     21
     Ground-water-quality data     23
     Access to USGS water data     23
     Definition of terms     23
Surface-water records     41
Discharge at partial-record stations and miscellaneous sites     199
Peak discharge and stage at continuous-record surface discharge stations     205
Ground-water records     212
Index     317

Volume 2. CONTENTS:

Preface     iii
Contents     v
     List of surface-water stations, in downstream order, for which records are published     viii
     List of ground-water stations for which records are published     x
     List of discontinued surface-water-discharge stations     xiii
     List of discontinued surface-water-quality stations     xv
Introduction     1
     Cooperation     1
     Summary of hydrologic conditions     2
     Downstream order and station number     11
     Numbering system for wells and miscellaneous sites     11
     Special networks and programs     11
     Explanation of stage- and water-discharge records     12
     Explanation of precipitation records     16
     Explanation of water-quality records     17
     Surface-water-quality records     17
     Explanation of ground-water-level records     21
     Ground-water-quality data     23
     Access to USGS water data     23
     Definition of terms     23
Surface-water records     41
Discharge at partial-record stations and miscellaneous sites     73
Peak discharge and stage at continuous-record surface discharge stations     75
Ground-water records     79
Project data:
City of Akron water diversion     100
Results from selected sites in the Lake Erie-Lake St. Clair drainages     104
Results from selected sites in the Great and Little Miami River Basins     121
Developing a method to rapidly estimate fecal-indicator bacteria concentrations in the Cuyahoga River     192
Ground-water data for Geauga County     202
Columbus well field, southern Franklin County     222
Ground-water data for South Russell Village     251
Water-quality data for the Elk Creek watershed, southwestern Ohio     258
Low-flow magnitude and frequency of Ohio streams     263
Crest-stage gaging network     274
Bacteriological data of water, bed sediments, algae, and detritus and water-quality data at two Lake Erie beaches     278
Implementing a system for "nowcasting" bacteria levels and beach advisories     290
Stream-sediment data for Wright-Patterson Air Force Base     296
Index     298

Ohio Water Science Center

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